-Chapter Eighteen-

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<Reader POV>

Jimin, Taehyung, Mina and I all apprehensively made way to the hospital, gaining direct access to Yoongi's room. What happened next horrified me. Yoongi looked at everyone with a smile... except me?

"How are you feeling, hyung? Jimin asked as he sat at the foot of Yoongi's bed.

"My chest hurts. My head hurts. You tell me." He sassily replied. Same old Yoongi.

Then his eyes trailed to me. "And urm... who are you?"

My heart stopped as I felt reality become altered. Time froze as my heart crumbled into a thousand glass shards in my upper abdomen. He didn't remember me? But I...

Noticing my panic, Taehyung stepped in. "She's my girlfriend."

I turned to him with eyes widened in shock. Did he really just say that? That I was his? But I really didn't have much of a choice but to go along with it.

"My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you..."

"Hah. Min Yoongi. Now since you seem to have 0 personal connections with me, get out." He sounded harsher in his tone near the end.

Yoongi always had his own little aura that seemed to single him out even in a crowd of a million people. His own special melody. But now, I see he isn't quite the same. He's lost a part of what makes him, him.

Nodding quickly, I rushed out of the room before my tears had a chance to be noticed.

I sat outside, waiting for the others to return out. They were his friends, after all... A new drop of liquid emotion fell from my now glassy eyes with each second I stood there. Waiting. Waiting for one of them to come out and say "He remembers!".Waiting for my love to be reunited.

<Meanwhile, in the recovery room>

"I invited you three, not some chick that I don't even know the name of. Did you HAVE to bring her, Tae?" Yoongi grumbled bitterly. I mean hell, it was HIS recovery!

"I... I'm sorry, hyung. It won't happen again." Taehyung's breath hitched as he spoke, being noticed by Mina and Jimin. They gave him identical concerned looks, knowing the effect his words would have in the situation.

"Good. Now, let's catch up, shall we?" Yoongi grinned a bit, pushing through the throbbing pain in his chest and head. Probably from the anesthesia. Though, he did find it odd. He reported a throbbing pain in his chest as a symptom to the nurses, and she had said that it wasn't supposed to be throbbing.

Oh well, the painkillers will dim it down.

<About an hour later; 3rd person>

Y/N's tears continued to fall even an hour later. Though, in her defense, that hour seemed like a decade.

Finally, the three Koreans came out with gleeful looks. It was great knowing their Yoongi was same old same old. The usual grandpa.

At first they didn't notice the heartbroken girl until she hiccuped. She tended to do so when she cried for long amounts of time. Jimin stayed behind while the other two reluctantly checked out if the hospital. The shorter boy sat next to Y/N, rubbing her back soothingly. This soon turned into Y/N throwing her arms upon her friend and holding him tight. He more than willingly returned this embrace while muttering calming things to her.

"It's okay, Y/N. We all know how special you were to him. He'll remember, I promise." Jimin's smol little mochi heart split in two at the sight of his distraught friend. He still remembered the day that Yoongi and Y/N took him in as their friends when he had none. How he always secretly felt like a third wheel between them, knowing they had a wonderful spark. A beautiful connection that nothing could break. Even if they didn't show it often, he knew it was there.

"He's not, Jimin..." she broke through sobs. "He isn't going to remember me. Ever..."

Several more moments passed of just the two of them hurting and holding one another, not looking forward to the time they would have to let go. But alas, that time still came.

They left the hospital after Y/N wasn't gasping for breath due to how hard she was crying.

So this is it, She thought hopelessly. He's gone from me.


A short but MUCH needed chapter. Well there goes my New Year's resolution. I'll try to update again sooner haha but knowing me it'll probably be like a month. Though I'll try to make it not a month long wait! Thanks for your patience X

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