-Chapter Eleven-

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Winter was passing, and slowly transferring to Spring. Icicles shortened and eventually faded, and the snow was dirtied and melted. By the end of all the ice, it appeared as if a massive flood had struck Seoul. The beautiful scenery of northern South Korea was wet, still chilly, and grey.
A normal, uninteresting day quickly reversed into one of the best in my life. This amazingness all happened due to one special Daegu boy.

. . . . . . . .

I came in a little earlier than usual, having slept decently well last night. I scanned my student ID card in the slot by the gate, and noticed an unfamiliar looking boy with chestnut brown hair. He was sitting cross-legged by the large fountain, and appeared to be writing in a blank book.

Approaching him quietly, I glanced over his shoulder and discovered that he was not in fact writing, but drawing. I got a glance at a beautiful drawing of a young looking girl, possibly somewhere in her single or low double digits. I was so lost in the lead beauty that I didn't notice him looking up at me with a small boxy smile.

"Do you like it?" He asked calmly. He had a surprisingly deep voice, with a small hint of a fading Daegu accent.

Wait. . . Daegu satoori?

"Yes. It's very beautiful. I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?" I asked, tilting my head quizzically.

"Yes, as a matter of fact. It's my first day here!" He said enthusiastically. I smiled at his positive attitude, it had somewhat of an effect on me.

"I wish you the best of luck! What's your artsy little talent that got you accepted here?" I said as I sat down next to him.

"Photography! I like to dance and sing as well." He added a few more details to his sketch. "I only doodle as a hobby."

"Ah, I see. I'm also a photographer. I hope we can work together on something!" My smile widened. I don't recall anyone's positivity having such a strong rub-off on me.

"I'd like that! What's your name, cutie?" He said with a wink. I giggled at his flattering comment. Giggled. Like a Japanese school girl. I never giggle unless I'm nervous and literally have no idea what else to do.

"Choi (Y/N). Pleasure to make your acquaintance!" I stood up and bowed respectfully.

He stared at me wide-eyed. "(Y/N)? Noona?!"

I tilted my head. I remember someone I used to be very close with calling me noona. However, it was so long ago and my mind couldn't quite catch it in time.

Hold up. . .

"It's me! It's Taehyung!" He said excitedly, jumping up and opening his arms.

I took a slow, deep breath, trying to process what I had just heard. Once a few seconds passed, I leapt into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Tae Tae!! Oh, I missed you so much!" I was on the brink of tears. My best childhood friend who I thought I had lost forever was back with me.

"Noona! Oh my god, I thought I'd never see you again! I didn't even recognize you at first! Then I saw your shimmering eyes, and my heart about jumped out of my chest at the possibility that it could really be you!" Taehyung held me tightly in his arms. He had a small croak come out of his throat, and I could tell he was in the same situation as me.

<Past time skip, 3rd person POV>

A little girl skipped happily with her best friend hand-in-hand down a thin creek's bank. They always preferred being near their special creek, and the beautiful woodlands surrounding it. They started up a cheerful game of tag, the children laughing gleefully at the other's presence. The game ended slowly, and they laid down side by side on the waving grass blades.

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