-Chapter Seven-

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        It had been a few weeks since my last encounter with Yoongi. Our only real forms of communication are glances in class or in the hallway, and on rare occasions, small smiles and waves.

Mina and I have become closer as well. She came over to my house a few times, and I went over to hers. I'm not sure about her parents, but Eomma seemed to love her. Appa wasn't around much. . . What kind of work is he possibly doing to not be able to come home for days on end?

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts as I headed to school.

The day went on as usual, except something was. . . Off.

Lisa wasn't giving me the normal dirty stares that she usually does, nor were any of the members of BlackPink. They just sort of. . . Stopped. But just for today? Oh well, not like I was complaining. I was finally free for one day!

Or so I thought.

The day came to an end decently quickly, but I didn't necessarily mind. I said my goodbye's to Mina outside the school's gates, and waved subtly to Yoongi when he walked out. He curled his lips back in an acceptable half-smile as he gave a single wave back. Beaming, I turned around and began my journey home.

Today was excruciatingly cold, so I decided to take my shortcut home. I hardly took it, only on days where I deemed it absolutely necessary. And today was definitely one of those days.

The shortcut consisted of a not-too-long sized alley way, littered with trash and knocked over garbage cans. I carefully stepped over them, keeping my guard up in case and creeps came along. I silently zig-zagged around the filthy place, and felt almost completely safe once I saw the end of it. But then I got an odd chill run down my spine. I felt like I was being watched, and could have sworn I heard footsteps behind me. I paused and glanced over my shoulder, only to be greeted with nobody there.

Maybe I'm starting to die of hypothermia. Wouldn't be surprising in this weather.

I started back up again, then stopped, and whipped back around as I heard the footsteps again. I fully turned around and carefully examined my surroundings.

No one in sight.

After a few more moments of careful examination, I turned back around to start walking back home.

I had never felt the pit of my stomach sink as fast as it did.

Standing right in front of me were Rosé and Jisoo. I immediately turned back around to run, but was forced back by Lisa and Jennie popping out of nowhere. They all had the same crazed smirks plastered on their face, and twinkles of depraved mischief in their eyes.

None of them said a word as Jisoo took out a cigarette lighter from her pocket and Jennie pulled out a switchblade.

"So, the little nyeon (bitch) has come to play." Lisa said harshly. I glared daggers at her.

"Tsk tsk, no need to get so aggressive. We only want to have some fun." Jennie said, backing Lisa up.

"What the hell did I ever do to you brats?" I growled.

"Ah! M-Miss st-st-stutterer has come out of her shell. Finally~" Rosé cooed evilly, managing to mock me in the process.

"Yeah, whatever. Now listen up, if you don't let me go now then I'll-"

Jennie interrupted me. "You'll what? Destroy our lives? Kill us? Oh, whatever shall we do?!" Sarcasm covered her tone.

The girl's took out different masks, I assumed it was in case they got caught and needed to hide their identities. Lisa put on a blank bunny mask, Jisoo had a tiger mask, Rosé had a pink flower, and Jennie had a mummy mask.

"We're so terrified!" Jisoo's voice said behind the mask, complimenting Jennie's statement. They all giggled cruelly.

"Ladies, I'm getting bored of blabbering about. Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" Lisa said impatiently.

As if on cue, Rosé grabbed my arms and forced me forwards, the front half of my body slamming against the brick wall. I grunted in sync with the loud 'thud' that came from the hard collision.

Rosé's strong arms held me down against the wall, but left my legs free. I kicked backwards and apparently kicked her hard enough to loosen her grip on me. I pushed her away but she was soon replaced by a human bunny, Lisa, and Jennie, who were ten times as stronger than Rosé. They forced me back to the wall in the same position. Lisa held down my lower half while Jennie held my upper half. Jennie tauntingly traced the tip of the blade down my throat and stopped at the center of my chest.

"If only I would go a little deeper. . ." She whispered threateningly in my ear beneath the mask as she dug the blade into my skin. It stung and drew blood, but I refused to give into them. Jennie then removed the knife and sliced through my arm a few times, nothing too major. A few band-aids should fix them up.

"Hurry up with it, Jen. I'm getting bored." Lisa complained.

Jennie then cut open a pretty deep portion of my flesh on my hip with enough strength to force a whimper out of my throat.

God dammit. . .

They all smiled in satisfaction upon getting a small sound of submission to escape my body.

"Jisoo." Lisa said, followed by a snap of her fingers.

I immediately heard the click of the lighter and a small portion of heat rise hear my held back arm. I hissed loudly in pain as the ignited flame was held against my skin. The flame didn't move from its spot for an agonizing few seconds before being removed.

BlackPink continued their taunting, cutting, and burning tactics for god knows how long. I was a bleeding, bruised, and burnt up mess. I was on the brink of fully giving up. . .

And then I heard it. My savior.

"YAH, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" A male voice shouted.

BlackPink didn't even look back to see who it was. They dashed in the opposite direction, knowing they had been caught and needed to evacuate the premises immediately.

My vision was too blurry to make out who it was that was running towards me. It didn't take very long for me to fully loose consciousness; the last thing I saw was a hooded figure running towards me.

I wonder who this savior is? 🤔

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