-Chapter Nine-

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<Reader POV>

        My time in the hospital was appreciatively brief. My mother came to visit me during the few days I spent in there, and so did Yoongi and his friend, Jimin. They both explained the story, and my mother seemed to have fallen in love with the boys right then and there. Yoongi has also talked with me privately about how unwise it would be to drag BlackPink into legal trouble with the court system. Although it was nowhere near the right thing to do on their behalf, it sure as hell seemed like something they would do.

"Thank you both so much for saving my little girl. Oh. . . How could I ever repay you?" I recalled my mother crying from happiness once she had heard the story.

"Ah, don't worry about it Miss Choi! Seeing (Y/N) safe is all that matters to us." Jimin explained cheerfully.

I learned that Jimin was to transfer to me and Yoongi's school in a couple of days, and I was excited to have a new friend. I should introduce him to Mina! I'm sure they'd get along.

While the time off from schoolwork was nice, I was happy to finally be released. I missed the outside world and the aesthetic scenery.

My bruises were almost 100% gone, as were most of my cuts and burns. The only one I had to watch out for was the now mostly healed gash on my hip. Surely it wouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to fully heal, but it'll definitely leave a nasty scar.

Yoongi and I kept quiet about the situation, and the queenka gang seemed to as well. I don't blame them at all — if I were one of them, I'd be keeping a decently low profile as well. Luckily, that's exactly what they were doing, so I hopefully shouldn't have to worry about them for a good while.

My mother still seemed to be worried that something like that could happen again, so Yoongi promised her that he would walk me home from now on. Both Eomma and I were thankful for that. Yoongi and I grew undoubtably closer over the past few days. He even gave me a new name; 'Ivy'. Ivy, sounding like the letters I and V, put together (IV) is short for interviewer.

Mina managed to somehow be a part of mine and Yoongi's friendship, and Jimin came to our school shortly after. He had ladies lining up in front of him one by one since he stepped foot in this academy.

Sigh. . .

I mean, don't get me wrong, he's really attractive and all, but he's not really my type.

He always hung out with Yoongi, Mina, and I, and we soon became a little quartet. I didn't have any classes with him, but Yoongi had voice lessons with him, and Mina had dance classes with him. Yoongi also privately spoke with Jimin, making sure he wouldn't spill anything to Mina or the rest of the school about the incident with BlackPink.

It's really pretty nice to have a fair sized group like this full of special people to have your back.

Jimin was apparently accepted into the school due to his dancing and singing skills. He gets loads of praise for both topics from the dance instructor and voice teacher, yet he still is too shy to give us a little peep at what he can do.

'Aish. . . I'll get a private show from this kid, even if it kills me!' I mentally swore to myself. I reeeaaaally wanted to hear this kid sing and see him dance.

His popularity spread like a wildfire via his dance and singing classes spreading all this positive stuff about him about how amazing he is.

I just. Need. A. Little. Peep!!!


"Pleeeeaaaase Jimin?" Mina and I begged him during dismissal. The four of us stayed at the school's front gates, like we commonly do.

Jimin laughed nervously and put his hands up in an innocently defensive stance. "I'm really not that experienced as everyone says I am. . . Yoongi hyung on the other hand is very talented. You should be asking him to sing for you, instead!"

Mina's eyes remained glued to Jimin, but mine trailed off to Yoongi leaning against the bars of the gates and staring off into space. My female friend continued to press on about how Jimin needed to sing for her. Jimin this and Jimin that. . . Sigh. It never ended with her. But oh well, not like it really bothered me.

I appeared at Yoongi's side, snapping him out of his trance.

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"Hey." He said, followed with a close-lipped smile.

I smiled back and stood their, not knowing at all what to say. I balanced on my toes like I always did when I felt nervous or awkward in a conversation. Thankfully, he broke the awkwardness.

"Hey, do you think you could come over later..? I composed a new song, and I'd like you to be the first to hear it." Yoongi mumbled. Something seemed off about his speech, though. It sounded. . . Different. Different, yet familiar.

"Yeah, sure! I'm sure my mother will be alright with it, as long as yours is." I replied gleefully.

"My family is actually overseas on a business trip." He said shortly. He almost sounded. . . Irritated?

"Oh." Was all I could manage to say.

Another awkward silence passed by.

"We should get going. It's getting chilly." Yoongi said gruffly. I nodded in agreement.

"Mina, Jiminie, Yoongi and I are going to head off now. You two should do the same!" I told them in a motherly tone.

They both giggled at me with close-eyed smiles. "Yes, Eomma~!" Cooed Mina playfully, earning another giggle from Jimin.

I rolled my eyes at them as Yoongi and I walked off towards my house. The first portion of the walk was quiet, but not uncomfortable. It was actually pretty peaceful, considering the circumstances.

We stopped at a red pedestrian light. The icy breeze chilled me to the bone. My shivers were followed by the clicking of my own chattering teeth. I watched Yoongi shift beside me out of my peripheral vision, but chose to ignore it. He was probably cold too, even if he was wearing a few extra layers. He stopped his movements and I began to wonder why, but my questions were suddenly answered by feeling a warm weight on my shoulders. I slid my arms into the thick sleeves and wrapped Yoongi's jacket tight around my body.

"Thank you." I said with a red tint to my cheeks, probably from the cold.

"Your chattering teeth and hitching breath got annoying." Yoongi said bluntly.

Oh.  Welp-

I couldn't help but chuckle softly. He seemed to have heard and gave me a strange look. He too had a bit of redness to his cheeks. Must be from the cold.

The light turned green and we speed-walked across the street. Once we were safely on the sidewalk, Yoongi spoke once again.

"You know. . . You could always just come home with me. I'll take you back to your house this evening! Just. . . Be there." Yoongi spoke in that different tone again.

"I'll text Eomma and see if she's alright with it." With that being said, I took out my cellular device and asked my mother if it was alright if I went over to Yoongi's for a bit.

She was oddly quick to reply. Nevertheless, she said it was alright, as long as I'm back before 10. I told this to Yoongi and he seemed to be very pleased to hear the outcome. He gave me one of his rare big gummy smiles, and happily yet lazily threw his arm around my shoulders. I giggled at his sudden happiness and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Yah, What are you so giddy for?" I asked him as we changed directions.

"Because I know you love the piano as much as I do, and I have someone to share my passion for it with." He said, the smile not being even remotely close to fading.

Sorry it's short and not worth the wait- Been busy busy busy and on,y just got the chance to update. Hope you like it, though~!

Hmmm.. what EVER could that 'different yet familiar' accent of Yoongi's possibly be? 😏
And what will happen in Yoongi's house with you two all alone???

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