Chapter 1

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„Ann, give me back my skirt!"

Shouted Wendy, running around the house, chasing another girl, Ann. The sun was high in the sky, wind was howling. No clouds. Today was just the perfect day for a nice walk around the village. The folk was working, children were smiling and playing. One would actually think that we were a happy village. And we were... Until the Nilfgaardians settled in our lands not too long ago.

"If you catch me, I will give it back."

Replied Ann, looking over her shoulder at her younger sister. Me, my name is (Y/N) by the way, Ann and Wendy were my sisters. At least, that's what we called ourselves. A few months back, we were supposedly brought to this village by a certain old witcher that goes by the name of Vesemir, who claimed that he found us on his ride to Novigrad. When we woke up, we couldn't remember anything else than our names. Thankfully, the villagers were kind and they didn't mind us there. So, the little village became our new home.

"I'm boooooreeeeed."

Sighed Ann, who was now sitting on the grass near our house, looking at the clouds and whistling a soft tune.

"When will uncle Vesemir stop by again?"

She looked at me.

"He should be here tomorrow. Said he got an important job somewhere around here and that it should be finished by tomorrow noon at most."

I said, standing up and walking inside our small house when my sight caught a few black ones on the road. It was getting late, and I wasn't fond of staying outside when the drunkards were out, going from brothel to brothel while picking random fights on the streets. I preferred the safety of our modest household. Wendy was the exact opposite. In fact, she was actually one of the brothel girls, and she seemed to enjoy it. Dancing and shaking her hips for that filth was something she gladly did if offered the right amount of money for her services. Ann was a playful girl, she always found new ways to piss Wendy off. She was outgoing and didn't mind voicing her honest opinion. Ann and Wendy don't exactly get along well, and to be fair, even I don't really like how Wendy was acting sometimes, but she wasn't just all bad things. She could care about us and the house, and be responsible. But she was also trying to sway all the guys that Ann found charming, and then she threw them away like trash. That was why the two of them were always fighting.

"Do something useful then."

"Oh, you mean like fucking some random by-passer like you do?"

"At least, I have a job that keeps us alive and Blah, Blah, Blah..."

There they are again, arguing. It's getting really late, I should go get some sleep. 

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