Chapter 8

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„Heard you kicked the Witcher out of you room. He did something? Because if yes, he is a son of death!"

Ann was standing next to me as we were both getting soaked by the rain drops.

"He ruined a nice moment with flirting."

I took one foot in the river. It had its' advantages as much as disadvantages to live right next to a stream.

"Son of a bitch better keeps his hands to himself before I cut them off!"

Aaaand the over protective Ann is here.

"Would like to see you try."

Witchers really can be sneaky if they want to. I didn't hear his footsteps at all. We turned to the source of a male voice, not surprised in the slightest to find the mentioned Witcher just a few feet away.

"Fuck off freak. Can't you see you're not wanted here?"

Spit landed on his face as Ann stepped closer to him, challenging him with her look to oppose her.

"Where did that happy-go-lucky playful girl from before go? Now I see an ugly imposter. You might not work at a brothel, but spit on me one more time and I won't have mercy, whore."

His hand made a strange gesture in the air and there was this white glow surrounding Anns' head.

"Ei, on my way."

And she left.

"Talking about an imposter but you are no better yourself. First, a brute who wanted nothing to do with us, rounding the brothels and not being exactly 'polite'. Then, a curious man interested in my medical condition. After that, a charming gentleman trying to woo me into bed. Now who are you going to transform into, Witcher?"

I wanted to sound angry, but when I heard his light laughter I realised my attempt was in vain.

"Ahh, is the little lady upset? I know a few ways how to make women forget them negative thoughts."

His fingertips brushed against the exposed skin of my upper arm, making me feel goosebumps. I took his hand away, like last time, and bowed.

"I'm sorry, but I really am not interested."

"And what would make you interested?"

He pushed, invading my personal space.

"Can you step back, please? This is a bit... uncomfortable."

He smirked slightly.

"If you answer my question, I might."

'Blackmailing bastard.' I took a step back, he took one forward. Back, forward. Back, forward. It looked like some weird kind of dance, a bit stiff. My back made contact with our house, and the witcher swiftly trapped me with both of his hands on each side of my head.

"I can be anything you want me. Hard and rough, slow and caring, kind and loving. So, what will it be?"

His body was firmly pressed against mine. I wasn't able to resist, not even move a finger. His head hunched over. Something slimy travelled around my neck, making me let out a gasp. From my jugular notch up to the tip of my chin, leaving a wet path. My legs were weak as a jelly, nearly letting me fall to the ground if it weren't for the witchers hands and body keeping me in place.


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