“I love you” Kai said
“I love you too oppa” YoonA answered back
Kai walked happily when he enters his room, SuHo and D.O saw it and both of them look at each other
“Somebody is in good mood.” D.O said while continuing his kitchen work.
SuHo went to Kai’s room and asked what happen to him. Kai just nod and sit at his bed.
“It’s alright if you can’t say it but man if you’re happy, me and D.O will be happy too.” SuHo said while plastered a smile for Kai.
“But don’t forget your mission Ok, time is running out. you know that?” SuHo reminded Kai about their purpose in this town.
After SuHo left Kai’s room, Kai was bring back to the reality were in He wish he didn’t belong. Kai walks back and forth of his room thinking whether he should tell about his relationship with YoonA to his two friends.
Finally he decided Kai takes a deep breath and went out to his room and walks to the living room wherein D.O and SuHo are watching a sitcom show.
Kai stood in front of the two and takes his last deep breath
“SuHo hyung and D.O hyung, I have a confession to make… I… I lo- love YoonA ssi” and with that SuHo and D.O had their eyes widen still shocked about what they hear from Kai.
“I know it’s forbidden but I can’t control myself anymore, I tried my best to forget her but every time I open my eyes all I can see was her… Mianhe mianhe” Kai continued while kneeling on the floor tears started to be seen to his eyes.
D.O approached Kai and comforted him
“Kai, you know that your hyungs will support and be there for you.” D.O said
“Yes Kai, we will right by your side in any decisions you make” SuHo walks to the two and pointed out.
Kai looks up and only to find out that his two hyung are smiling.
“Gomawo (thank you), SuHo hyung and D.O hyung” and with that Kai hugged them and a smile can be seen to his face again.
“But does YoonA ssi knows about us. US being wolves?” D.O spoken up
“And about your mission?” SuHo added also
Kai head hung low and with that action of his SuHo and D.O knows the answer.
“It’s just that I can’t find the right words to say it to her without scaring her.” Kai explained
“You know, if she loves you YoonA ssi will understand. Just try to explain to her.” SuHo answered and gave Kai a pat on his shoulder before going back to his room.
“SuHo hyung was right, don’t worry YoonA is a smart girl.” D.O said while leaving Kai alone at the sala.
“Good morning sunshine” YoonA woke up smiling brightly while heading to clean up herself and excitedly ready to go to school.
This was the first time YoonA felt happy in her life and everything was wonderful and even the weather is fine.
‘I can see Kai oppa again’ YoonA thought while walking happily and humming a song.
Not far to her distance he can already see Kai at the gate while standing on the side wall waiting for someone when YoonA saw it she hurriedly went to his side and surprised Kai.
“Good morning Kai oppa” YoonA said while plastering her beautiful smile.
“Good morning YoonA” Kai replied while messing YoonA’s hair.
YoonA fixed her hair and pouted at Kai, he knows that YoonA hated it when he does that but Kai find it cute.
They walked to their room held hand and everyone noticed them but that won’t stop their affection to each other. While walking Kai accidentally sees SuHo and D.O and it reminded him about last night and with that Kai spoke up.
“YoonA meet me up at the garden park after school ended”
“waeyo (why) oppa, is something wrong?” YoonA answered while looking at Kai
“I have to tell you something important.” YoonA sense that Kai was serious when he said that.
YoonA nodded and with that they both take their seat and later class started.
YoonA can’t focus because she kept on thinking about Kai said a minute ago and she wanted to know it badly.