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Jaehyun couldn't hold back his grin.

He was happier than he'd been in a long time. Since before the specter of his disease had ruined every waking moment.

He didn't like not being able to tell Taeyong who he was but he hoped that if he left enough hints Taeyong would figure it out soon enough.

It had felt so amazingly good to hold him again. Like coming home from war or something.

He'd almost shuddered at the feel of Taeyong's slender body curled up next to his, but he held it in. He was afraid of scaring Taeyong away and he needed more than anything to make him happy.

He hummed to himself as he waited through the interminable day for darkness to fall so he could go back to earth.

He planned to buy a box of Taeyong's favorite candy for the next morning, soft caramels with a creamy center.

He'd always loved watching Taeyong eat them. Very very cute, like a child.

Jaehyun felt kind of dumb, going into the stores with a hood over his face like the evil emperor or something, but the rule applied for everyone.

No one could see him, not just Taeyong.

Oh well, he thought. Let them stare. It was worth it to watch the small smile dawn on his favorite face. He hoped soon that the smile would be bigger.

When it was finally dark enough, Jaehyun nearly bolted, so excited to see Taeyong that nothing else mattered.

He had to remember caution when he finally reached Taeyong's apartment. The bedroom light was still on. Taeyong must be waiting up. He tapped on the door.

"Taeyong, it's me, Yoonoh."

The name felt strange in his mouth, but he knew it was necessary.

"Come in!"

He sounded happy, excited.

"You have to turn the light off first. I can't show you myself."

"Why?" Taeyong was obviously taken aback.

"Let's just say it's a rule. I can't help you anymore if you see me."

Jaehyun could almost feel the wave skepticism through the wood of the bedroom door. He needed to touch Taeyong again, make him feel how sincere he was.

"Taeyong, please? Turn the light off."

Taeyong must have decided to trust him again because soon the room fell into darkness.

"You can come in now," was his hesitant answer.

Jaehyun grinned and opened the door, bounding into Taeyong's room -their room actually- like a puppy.

"Thank you for trusting me. I know I must sound crazy. I just couldn't stand it anymore, watching you hurt day after day."

He reached out and brushed Taeyong across the cheek, his fingers lingering.

Taeyong shuddered visibly at the his touch and leaned his face into Jaehyun's hand.

He'd always done that, like a cat being stroked. Sometimes, Jaehyun almost expected him to start purring.

He wanted so desperately to push Taeyong into the bed and cover him with his body, to kiss him and love him until he cried with pleasure instead of pain. But he knew he had a role to play, so he sat gently next to Taeyong and kept his touches light.

"How was work today?" He asked.

Taeyong sputtered for a second, laughing.

"You're asking me about work?"

It must have been strange for such an odd creature to ask a question like that.

"Yeah, I guess. Well, how was it?"

"Better, actually. Thanks for the coffee by the way."

"Of course."

Taeyong sat quietly for a minute, thinking.

"So let me get this straight. You can't tell me who you are, or let me see you."

"Yeah, that's about it."

"But if I guessed, could you tell me I was right?"

"Yeah, that's not actually doing anything wrong."

Taeyong thought quietly again.

"So you know when I said you seemed kind of like an angel?"

He cringed, obviously thinking he sounded like a crazy persom. Jaehyun tried to send encouraging thoughts through his touch.

"Well, are you?" Taeyong almost whispered the question.

"Close enough," Jaehyun answered, afraid to say too much.

"And your name isn't Yoonoh, obviously, but you can't tell me what it is even if I've already guessed what you are?"

"Yep. Kinda stupid, but I have to follow the rules."

Taeyong chuckled lightly, the closest thing to a sincere laugh that Jaehyun had heard in two long years.

"So, not Yoonoh, what do you do all day?"

"Honestly? I watch you. That's kind of my job description."

He could feel the surprise resonate through Taeyong's body. He liked that new addition to the familiarity of their closeness. Being able to feel Taeyong's feelings.

Jaehyun suppressed a naughty chuckle at the thought of the possibilities.

He could feel Taeyong's feelings. He could make Taeyong feel his. Hmmm....

"Have you always?"

Wait, what were they talking about? Oh yeah, him watching Taeyong.

"Um, no." He tried to think of a quick explanation. "You didn't, uh, need me...before."

"And now I do?"

"Yeah. I've been with you since Jaehyun left."

Taeyong was quiet for a long time after that.

They had shifted in the bed so Jaehyun was holding him like he had the night before. He slowly sifted his fingers through Taeyong's  hair.

Taeyong's voice, breaking the warm silence, surprised him.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can."

He kept petting Taeyong's head, his neck, everywhere he could touch. It was addictive.

"Do you know what happened to Jaehyun?"

Jaehyun froze. Oh, lord. How was he going to answer that?

"Jaehyun is happy now. He's in a good place."

All true. He was happy and in the best place possible.

"Really? You're not just saying that?"

"I Promise."

He brushed Taeyong's forehead, so he could feel the sincerity.

"That's..." Taeyong whispered.


"The way you're always showing me your feelings with your touch. I can feel it."

Jaehyun smiled in the dark.

Taeyong shifted, wiggling closer into Jaehyun's arms.


It took Jaehyun a second to remember that Yoonoh was him.


"Thanks for being here."

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

Please, Don't Leave Me (Jaeyong) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now