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It was New Year's Eve. Midnight was an hour or two away but Taeyong was in bed, wrapped up in his angel's warm arms exactly where he wanted to be.

He smiled and cuddled himself even closer into the strong embrace he had grown to love.

He'd become more and more convinced every day that the angel was Jaehyun but never sure enough to ask straight out.

He finally had a plan but he had to catch him off guard. He had to wait until he was sleepy enough to respond from instinct rather than thought.

Taeyong waited until he could feel muscles relaxing and breathing become regular and deep.

Finally, he could tell his angel was mostly asleep. It was time.

"Happy New Year," Taeyong whispered.

The way he always had. Happy New Year, happy birthday, happy valentines day... the answer was always the same.

"Of course it's happy, baby. I'm with you."

It was a sleepy whispered response, straight from the habit of years and exactly what Taeyong had hoped to hear.

It worked!

Heart pounding harder than he'd ever believed possible, he bolted up in bed, ready to laugh and cry at the same time.

"Oh my god, Jaehyunie. It is you!"

Taeyong threw himself at the muscular chest and wrapped his arms around it.

Jaehyun laughed, realizing what Taeyong had done.

"I've been waiting for you to figure it out. It took you long enough."

Jaehyun ruffled Taeyong's hair. The twinge of guilt Taeyong had been feeling the past few weeks dissolved instantly.

The only feeling left was one of complete rightness. It really was him!
The wounds of the past two years that had been slowly healing and suddenly disappeared.

He dropped little kisses all over Jaehyun's face. The tears and laughter that had been threatening came all at once.

They held each other for a long time, shaking with emotion.

"How did you do this?" He finally whispered.

Jaehyun smiled and brushed a hand along Taeyong's cheek.

"I can't give you all the details, but you know how I am when I want something. I needed to come back to you."

Taeyong laughed. Jaehyun always got his way eventually.

"It must have killed you all those days when I didn't realize who you were. I think it was always in the back of my mind..." He trailed off, feeling dumb.

"It did! I was to the point of going insane. I mean you got the first part so quickly."

"I guess I hoped, and I did feel it, but I couldn't believe it was true and I didn't want to hurt your feelings if you weren't Jaehyun."

They both kind of laughed at that. Jaehyun swept a tender thumb along Taeyong's jaw. He trembled at the sweetness of the touch.

"How long can you stay?"

Taeyong was in awe of how lucky he was. He had his love back. They may not be able to have a regular day-to-day life, but he was back. It didn't matter what the circumstances were.

"As far as I know, I'm here indefinitely. As long as I can convince my, uh, superiors that you still need me."

"Of course I still need you. I'll always need you."

"Then I'll always be here."

Taeyong felt his eyes fill with tears and he squeezed as hard as he could. He ran his hands over Jaehyun's strong back and memorized his collarbone with seeking lips.

"I love you," Taeyong whispered.

He held his breath. He'd said it so many times in the past two years without ever getting an answer. It wouldn't seem real until he did.

"I love you too, baby."

Jaehyun lifted his chin with a gentle finger and leaned over to brush their lips together.

Please, Don't Leave Me (Jaeyong) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now