Chapter 2

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The following morning, you awoke to see the sun shining brightly. You let out a small yawn and look at now cerulean skies. You look around and realized where you were. You sigh and mutter, "It's too bright for it being this early in the morning." Rayla became annoyed, "Get up or else you'll be late for your first day!" You groan, "I'm up, I'm up...sheesh...." You sigh and look at the uniform sitting on the chair. You remark with a small huff, "The uniform isn't as bad as the one at Y/SN at least. Besides, I actually like the fact that they come with gloves." Rayla sighs, "Y/N come on, we should get going." You nodded, "Alright...let's go." You grab your book bag and leave your dorm.

Elsewhere, a certain Slifer duelist was running always. Jaden Yuki remarks, "I'd better run for it or else Dr. Crowler is going to make me write a paper on boring stuff!" Jaden's spirit partner, Yubel let out a small sigh. Yubel said, "If you woke up earlier, then you wouldn't be in this situation." Jaden whines in response, "That's too much effort, Yubel!" Yubel didn't reply, which surprised Jaden. Jaden asked, "What's wrong?" Yubel replies, "I sense another spirit nearby." Jaden waves her off, "Oh come on, it's probably one of Jesse's spirits." Yubel shook her head, "It isn't one of the Crystal Beasts, Jaden." Jaden's eyes widen, "We should go!' Yubel follows and mutters under her breath, "This guy...."

You tug on the sleeves of your jacket and shiver. Merlia remarks, "Are you sure that you'll be okay? You look like an icicle." You reply, "Well I'm sorry that I'm not an ice spirit like you, Merlia." Merlia sighs, "I shouldn't have said anything..." Neva snickers, "Lia come should be used to Y/N by now." This earned Neva a smack from Rayla. Rayla wore an irritated expression, "Don't speak so ill of Y/N when she is right in front of you! Mind your manners, ice brain!" You give your spirits the look of death and they become quiet. Neva hides behind Rayla, "S-Scary..." You sigh, "Quit dawdling and let's go. The last thing I need right now is someone thinking that I'm talking to myself." What you didn't know was that a certain Southern-accented Obelisk was watching from a distance.

Later, you were walking towards the academy entrance. You let out a small breath and find yourself on the ground. A guy in a red-accented jacket bolted right past you as you walked. You rub your back and glare at him. You brush the dirt off yourself and notice a hand out in front of you. Syrus gives you an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry about Jaden...he's not exactly the smartest person in the world." He adds quickly, "He's my best friend and he's a really good duelist!" You laugh, "I'm sure that he's a nice person, Sy. I just didn't appreciate the fact that he almost ran into me while I walked." Syrus sweat drops, "Jay isn't very good at managing his time." Syrus spoke with excitement, "Come on! I'll go introduce you to my other friends!" Syrus grabs your hand and you reply, "Hey! S-Syrus!" Rayla laughs, "Looks like someone is excited to see you after a while." You mentally mutter, "Shut it, Rayla." Syrus asked, "Y/N, what's wrong?" You shake your head, "It's nothing Sy. I'm just deep in thought."

Moments later, you followed an overly excited Syrus to the nearby classroom. You see a brunette guy with a red-accented jacket approach you both. He spoke with a cheerful tone, "Hey Sy! Looks like Crowler isn't teaching today...isn't that great?" Merlia face palms, "Sheesh...this guy reminds me of your dad when he was younger..." Rayla remarks, "He seems way too chipper right now." Syrus sighs, "Y/N, this is Jaden...he was the one I was telling you about earlier." Syrus adds, "Jaden this is Y/N. She's the cousin that Zane talked about the other day." Jaden put out his hand, "Nice to meet ya, Y/N. I'm Jaden Yuki and I happen to be the best duelist at the academy." Rayla face palms, "Not this again...." Syrus said, "I'm going on ahead." Syrus adds, "Jaden, don't annoy my cousin okay?"  Syrus leaves you both alone. Yubel appears and remarks, "This is the presence I felt earlier, Jaden. This girl can speak with spirits." You cross your arms and remark, "I'm right here you know..." Jaden's eyes widen, " I'm not the only one then?" Rayla replies, "Clearly not apparently..." Merlia responds calmly, "Now, now Rayla. No need to be hasty. He's only trying to welcome us." You exhale, "Don't mind them, they're always like this." Jaden asked, "How come Sy never mentions you?" You let out a small sigh, "I'm not surprised to be honest. I haven't spoken to Zane or Syrus in almost two years." You hear the school bell and you remark, "I'll see you later, Yuki." Yubel said, "This girl is the polar opposite of Zane and Syrus. I wouldn't be surprised if someone mistook her for someone else." Elemental Hero Burstinatrix appeared beside Yubel, "That girl seems a bit too confident to me. How do you know if she isn't connected to Nightshroud or his minions?" Jaden shook his head, "Nightshroud's presence would have been more obvious. He doesn't exactly hide himself that well, Burstinatrix." Neos spoke up, "I agree with Burstinatrix, Jaden. Be wary of that girl...she may be a danger to many of the people here." Jaden responds with a sigh, "I don't think so, Neos. We just met her, we can't just assume what she's like without actually talking to her." Both Neos and Yubel seemed skeptical but they didn't interject.

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now