Bonus Chapter (2)

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A/N: hey guys! This chapter is pretty short but I didn't really want to overemphasize anything in this chapter. Also, I hope that you like Lark. He's really cute too. Anyways, I'm basically binge writing while I study for three tests and work on a presentation. That is my excuse for late On the bright side, my birthday is coming up soon! I'm shocked at the fact that I'm becoming 21. Then again, I'm sure I have a lot of readers that are older than me. I hope that you enjoy this chapter!

Happy reading duelists!


Word count: 1331 of 50,000
Total word count: 47,805 of 50,000

You were gazing down at the little human in front of your eyes. Your son yawns and opens his eyes. You coo, "Morning Lark. Did you sleep well?" He yawns once more before settling into your arms in comfort. It had been three days since he was born. You hadn't been sleeping much but you didn't mind. You put your finger over Lark's hand and you watch him grasp it. Atticus comes into the nursery and his heart melts at the sight. He said, "Morning princess." You Lark over to him, "Look Lark, Daddy is here!" Atticus said, "What's my little prince up to?" Lark blinks and just yawns. Atticus remarks, "Talk about a sleepy baby..." You respond, "He did just wake up, Atticus." Atticus asked, "Do you need any help with him?" You shake your head, "I think that I'm okay." Atticus said, "I'll take him. You look like you need more sleep." You sarcastically reply, "Gee thanks...." Atticus replies, "I'm just being honest." He takes Lark from you and you venture back into your shared bedroom.

Atticus bounces Lark and says, "Okay Lark, let's go spend some time together. Mommy has been hogging you all to herself. I think that it's only fair if we spend some quality time together." The infant just yawns in response. Atticus chuckles, "You are so cute, you know that?" Atticus carries Lark into the kitchen. Atticus said, "Alright buddy, let's get you some breakfast." He grabs a bottle and warms it up. Lark began to get fussy and Atticus gently bounces him to calm him down. Atticus lets out a sigh of relief when he hears the beep of the timer. Atticus remarks, "Here buddy, have some milk." Atticus put the bottle to Lark's mouth and watches him drink the liquid happily. When Lark finishes his milk, Atticus gently burps the little infant. Lark let out a tiny burp in response. Atticus lets out another chuckle. Lark lets out a small babble as Atticus held him.

You hear a small babble coming from the living room. You stifle a yawn and leave your bedroom. You then see Zane with Atticus and Lark. Zane said, "Hey there sleepyhead." You yawn and reply, "Hey Zane...what's with the sudden visit?" Jaden pops out from behind him, "Don't forget about me!" You facepalm and say, "Jaden, don't scare my son." Jaden sheepishly smiles, "Sorry N/N...I forgot how small he really is." You deadpan, "Lark is only three days old, Jay." Rayla bursts out laughing, "Y/N, I think that Jaden was trying to lighten the mood." Lark suddenly started crying. Zane quietly said, "It's okay, Lark. Shhh..." Lark continues to cry as Zane attempts to calm him down. Zane wasn't sure what he was going to do with his nephew. You said, "Here Zane, let me take him." Lark instantly calmed down when Zane handed him to you. Jaden asked, "When can I teach him how to duel?" Rayla remarks, "You idiot! He's only a baby!" You roll your eyes, "Jaden, he's too little to learn about dueling." You sigh, "I just don't want anything to happen to Lark." Zane responds, "Y/N, it's okay. Nothing is going to happen to Lark. You and Atticus are here to protect him, right?" Lark sensed your worry and snuggles his head on your chest. You said, "Thanks, Lark." Lark gave you a toothless smile. Zane comments, "Lark just smiled Y/N." You lift Lark up and coo, "Look at you, my little prince! You're so adorable!" You see Lark settle down into your arms once more. Lark falls asleep a few moments later.

You had put Lark to bed later that afternoon. You were looking at old photos in an album you had found lying in a bookshelf. You notice the photo that Zane had taken when you had married Atticus. You gaze at the photo and wear a bittersweet smile. You whisper, "Why...why do I feel this way?" Atticus hears you talking to yourself. He asked, "What's wrong, princess?" You feel his arms snake around your waist. He rests his chin on your shoulder and notices the wedding photos. He questions, "Why are you so sad?" You said, "I don't know...I just...I wonder why I feel so sad. I'm not the same person I was three years ago." Atticus responds lovingly, "You're right. Although, not being the same person you were before is never a bad thing. You grew into a stronger person. We all go through it, Y/N." He adds, "To be honest, I feel the exact same way you do. I do feel lost but...but I know that you're here with me. You'll always be with me when I'm having days like this one." You don't reply but you understand what he means. You finally speak, "You're right. I should be proud of myself. I want to be proud....I just don't want to look like a needy person if I ask for advice." Atticus replies, "You won't sound needy, princess. You're doing everything you can to help everyone else." You then say, "I don't want Lark to grow up thinking that he shouldn't be himself." Atticus kisses the side of your head, "You don't have to worry, princess. Lark will be just fine." You look at him and lay your head on his shoulder.

Moments later, you were quietly reading a book. You then hear Zane's voice from the kitchen, "Do you think that you'll have another child, Atticus?" Your ears perk up when your hear Zane speak. You quietly listen in on the conversation. You hear Atticus speak, "To be honest, I don't know. That decision is up to both Y/N and I. I would love to have another one but I want to wait. There's a lot that she and I still have to talk about. I love her so much. I want her to be happy. She gave me the best gift. She gave me a beautiful son and she also gave me the gift of love. Lark and Y/N are two people that I will always cherish. They push me to work my hardest." Your heart melts at the sweet words your husband spoke. You hear Zane reply, "I'm glad that you married her. I can see how much she loves you just by looking at her expression." Atticus nods, "I never tell her but I always love observing her when she's with Lark." Zane responds, "I don't blame you. Lark is pretty cute. It's hard to believe that he's only three days old." You smile to yourself and go back to reading.

When you think of Lark and Atticus, you smile at the fact that they'd never leave your side. You spoke to the skies, "Thank you for watching over us. Please keep my son safe from the darkness and let him be a happy little boy." You watch the stars twinkle in response to the wish you made.

You gaze at your sleeping son. He was the spitting image of Atticus. Although, Atticus argues that he has your eyes. You were both thankful to have him. You knew that Lark would write his own future. You also knew that nothing would stand in his way of doing so.

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