Bonus Chapter (3)

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A/N: hey guys! I hope that you like these bonus chapters! They're a bit weird but I'm having a lot of fun writing them. I hope that you're enjoying them. Here is my question for you: who is one person you look up to? Honestly it can be anyone. If it was me, I have a lot of people I look up to. One of the people I look up to is probably Chungha. Word count:  1867 of 50,000

Total word count: 49,672 of 50,000

When she awoke this morning, Alexis could hear a crashing sound from downstairs. She groans and gets out of bed. She ventures downstairs to see her husband Jaden giving her a sheepish smile. Jaden said, "Morning Lex..." Alexis facepalms, "Jaden, what are you doing?" Jaden rubs the back of his neck, "I was trying to make breakfast for you." Alexis's heart warms at the gesture. She remarks, "Let me help you." They had been married for almost two years now. Jaden was happy that Alexis accepted him for who he was.

Meanwhile, Zane was searching for something. Syrus had gone out to visit Jaden so he was left on his own. Zane mumbles, "Where did I put it?" He was looking for a gift he had gotten for his nephew Lark. He chuckles when he thinks of his nephew. Lark's personality was similar to yours in a sense. Lark slept for most of the day and hardly ever cried. Zane finally said, "Found it!"

You walk into the nursery and notice that Lark was staring at you. You said, "Morning cutie. What are you looking at?" Lark was now one week old. He babbles and keeps looking at you. You hear a knock on the door. Atticus calls out, "I got it!" You take Lark out of his crib and say, "Let's change your diaper, Lark." Lark cries and you reply, "I know, baby. It's almost over." Lark stops crying when you finish changing his diaper. You kiss his forehead and carry him into the kitchen.

You see Zane standing in the kitchen with Atticus. You coo, "Look Lark, it's uncle Zane!" Lark yawns before he begins to babble once more. Zane said, "Morning N/N." Lark squirms in your arms and you say, "Hold on Lark. You can go to Zane in a second." You fix his onesie and hand him to Zane. Zane tickles Lark gently. Lark giggles and puts his hand out. Zane put his finger out in response. Lark grasps Zane's finger and continues to babble.

****5 months later****

Lark was now five months old. You watch as he tried to stand up. He fell back down and whined at the impact. You said, "Atticus, I think that Lark is trying to walk." Atticus replies, "Let's help him out." You and Atticus went on either side of Lark's body. You said, "Lark, go walk to daddy!" Lark took one shaky step before falling on his butt. You said, "Lark...up again!" You clap, "Good boy." Lark took another shaky step before completing his walk to Atticus. Atticus cheers, "Good job buddy! Now, go walk to mommy!" You call out, "Larky! Come to mommy!" Lark repeats his actions and you say, "Good boy, Lark!" Atticus remarks, "It's a good thing that I filmed him." You smile at him and tickle the little boy in front of you. He let out a squeal in response.

Later that night, Atticus proposed that he should take you out. You reply, "Are you sure? Who's going to watch Lark?" Atticus replies, "We can ask Alexis to come over. You know how much she loves Lark. Besides, Jaden is going to be with her too. You don't have to worry, princess." You sigh, "Alright....if you say so." Moments later, you hear a knock on the door. You open the door to see Alexis and Jaden standing there. Alexis asked, "Where's Lark?" You reply, "Atticus has him." Atticus came to join you and hands Lark to his younger sister. Atticus said, "Thanks for this, Alexis." Alexis replies, "No problem. Besides, I haven't seen him in so long. Jaden wouldn't stop asking when we would come over to see him." Jaden chimes in, "How can I not? This kid is so stinking cute! I'd totally steal him away from Y/N if I had the chance." You roll your eyes, "That chance would never be in your favour." Jaden then pushes the both of you both out the door. Alexis calls out, "We'll be fine! Just spend some time with Atticus!"

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now