Bonus Chapter (4)

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A/N: the last bonus chapter is here! This is also going to be the end of the book. This book has now reached 50,000 words! I made it to my goal! Also, my birthday is coming up in a few days. I'm not really that excited since I work but's still my birthday. I hope you guys enjoyed this book! I had a lot of fun writing!

Happy reading!


Word count:  1843 of 50,000
Total word count: 51, 515 of 50,000

It had been three years since you married Atticus. Within those three years, Lark has grown up to be a kind little boy. Although, he had his unhappy days too. The first word he spoke was "Lexis". It happened when you and Atticus were talking about memories you shared with Alexis herself. When you said her name, Lark blinks and repeats after you. You stop speaking and say, "Atticus, did you hear that?" Lark spoke again, "Mama, Lexis." Atticus blinks before realizing what was happening. He jumps up and says, "Lark said his first word!!" You reply, "Second technically. He said mama first." Atticus stuck his tongue out in reply causing you to roll your eyes. Lark gives you a toothy smile and says once more, "Lexis!" Atticus remarks, "My sister is going to freak when she hears about this." You nod, "Jaden will have to calm her down once she hears Lark say her name."

Meanwhile, Bastion was looking through old photos from Duel Academy. He didn't realize that it had been so long since everyone had graduated. He sighs to himself before putting the photo album back in its place. Bastion realized what the date was and he jumps out of his seat. He mumbles, "I should leave now or else I'll be late."  He gathers his things before closing the door behind him.

You sigh to yourself in confusion. You murmur, "I wonder what will happen now. Things are going to be more different than before." Rayla speaks in reassurance, "Don't worry Y/N, everything will be just fine." She added with a confident tone, "You are the most amazing mother I have ever seen. I'm saying this with complete and utter honesty."  You mutter, "There's still a long way to go...." You sigh once more before going into your shared bedroom.

Rayla watches Lark carefully. She let out a small huff, "I love Lark but sometimes I wonder what's going on in his mind." You remark, "Fawning over Lark isn't helping your case." Rayla replies, "I can't help it! I just want to know what he's thinking!"  You gaze at your sleeping son. You murmur, "Sometimes it's best to leave some things alone. Lark is only six months old. Besides, he's still learning about himself." Rayla vanishes when she hears a noise. You turn around and see Atticus leaning against the wall. Atticus remarks, "You know princess, you'd look cuter if you smiled." You roll your eyes, "Thanks for the advice, Captain Worrywart." Atticus smirks to himself. Atticus said, "Y/N, don't worry about Lark." He kisses the side of your head and hugs you gently. He adds, "I want you to know that you are an amazing mother to our son. He's very lucky to have you as his mother." You feel your fingers entwine as you both gaze at the sleeping baby once more. You laid your head on Atticus's shoulder and think of Alexis.

A few days later, you all headed to Duel Academy. Lark was settled comfortably in his booster seat. Atticus said, "It's going to be nice seeing everyone after a long time. I think that everyone will go crazy when they see Lark." You groan, "The last thing I need is for this little boy to be more spoiled than he already is." You hear Bastion's voice from afar, "Y/N! Atticus!" You see him running in your direction. He slows his pace before speaking, "It's nice to see you both again." He notices the carrier in Atticus's hand. You remark, "Let's go find everyone else. I'm sure that they're eager to see us as well." Bastion nods as the four of you (including a sleeping Lark) head to the auditorium. Bastion asked, "How long has it been since the wedding?" Atticus replies, "It's been about three years since Y/N and I got married." You chime in, "Lark is six months old now. Although, he's a bit tired from the car ride here." Bastion chuckles, "That is understandable. Babies need their sleep." You nod in agreement.

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now