Chapter 19

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A/N: Yeah....I'm really behind on these chapters. School is kicking my butt. Here's a new chapter! It was long and I wasn't sure about what to write. I'm happy that it is finally done. I still have a bit to go until I hit my word goal of 50,000. I don't have much time but I will do as much writing as I need to do to catch up. Life has been really crazy for me so I haven't had the chance to actually write. Not only that, I've been really tired lately. I'm going to let you all read this now.

Happy reading


Word count:  3176 of 50,000

Total word count:  39,911 of 50,000

You wake up the following morning feeling dazed. Memories of the previous night flooded into your mind. You place your hand over your heart and look out your window. Your heart filled with happiness when you thought of Atticus. You gaze out the window once more before you gathered your things and left your dorm.

When you step outside, you are greeted by the quietness of the wind. You sigh and notice all the other students were chatting with their friends. "Stop looking so depressed, Y/N."  You said, "I'm not depressed!" You rub your temples and add, "So much happened last doesn't seem real." Rayla spoke happily, "I'm glad that he finally asked you to marry him. I was waiting for that moment for such a long time."  You hear someone calling your name. You turn around and see Alexis waving in your direction. You wave back to her. You walk to her and you were suddenly being squeezed by an overly excited Alexis. Alexis squeals, "I can't believe that Atticus proposed!!" You remark, "Announce it to the world, why don't you?" You add, "The whole experience feels like a dream." Alexis pats your shoulder. She adds, "I'm glad that my brother met you." Before she could add anything else, you both hear a commotion off in the distance.

Moments later, you and Alexis both see Atticus surrounded by several of his classmates. Alexis facepalms, "What is he doing now?" You reply, "I don't think that he's doing anything, Lex." You speak loudly, "What's going on?" Everyone went silent. Atticus was relieved, "Y/N, thank goodness."  You let out a sigh and shake your head. You mutter, "Honestly..." Alexis snorts in response in an attempt to cover up her laughter. Atticus made his way through the crowd and went towards you. He wore a goofy smile and you feel your cheeks heat at the reaction he was giving you. He remarks, "Come on princess, why are you blushing? You should be used to me by now."  You reply with tinted cerise cheeks, "W-Well you shouldn't say such embarrassing things about our relationship." Rayla facepalms, "He's a guy, Y/N....that's just how he is. Besides, he's also your fiance now."  You sigh and remember that you were now engaged. Atticus pulls you into an embrace. He buries his head on your shoulder. However, you didn't reject the sudden burst of affection. You return the gentleness by stroking his hair.

Meanwhile, Zane looks at the deck on his desk. He said to himself, "Y/N is graduating..." He adds, "I'm going to have to give her the best duel that I can. I'm not going to hold back and limit my potential." He gazes at the picture that was beside his deck. He lifts it up and says, "It's been such a long time since she smiled like that. She seems so much happier now." Zane looks out and remarks, "Y/N, your biggest opponent is going to face you soon."

You hear the sound of crumpling paper. You look up and see Jaden throwing wads of paper in the trash. You wear an annoyed expression as you spoke, "Jaden for the love of Ra, be quiet!" You roll your eyes and go back to reading your book. Jaden pouts, "You're no fun, Y/N!" You roll your eyes once more, "I'm studying, this is no time to fool around." You added, "Besides, the graduation duel is coming up soon. Zane is going to choose his opponent and everyone is going to be watching. Who knows who he'll choose for his opponent?" Jaden notices the faded tone of sadness in your voice. Jaden said, "You and Zane must be really close." You shook your head, "To be honest, we aren't that close. Zane is just overprotective of me. He has always been like that." You shake your head and continue, "He wants me to be happy. I'm just thankful that Atticus believes in me." Jaden jumps up from his seat and says, "Oh yeah! That proposal was so awesome!" Merlia deadpans, "You were part of the proposal, you idiot."  Jaden sheepishly smiles, "Right...I totally forgot about that." You ignore Jaden and go back to studying.

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now