Chapter 16

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A/N: Here is the new chapter! Enjoy! I am going to write as much as I can to catch up. I'll probably put some extra chapters (bonus ones) so I can hit my goal of 50K words. I've been wanting to do that for a long time. I'll probably do that when I finish catching up to the days that I haven't posted (chapter 17 and 18). I'm going to try and make these chapters as long as they can be. I hope that you like this chapter. Please give me some feedback on what you'd like to see in the next chapters.

Happy reading!


Word count: 1826 of 50,000

Total word count: 32,268 of 50,000

Since Nightshroud's defeat, a sudden depression greeted you. Though the darkness he brought was gone, you couldn't help but feel empty inside. The feeling of emptiness continues to greet you no matter what you tried. You couldn't help but feel the depression emanate through your icy soul. You wanted to feel like a normal human. You told yourself that you were okay. Why were you feeling this way? Who was the true cause of this sudden change in behaviour? Were you really imagining it?

Early that same morning, you were gazing at the deep amethyst skies. The sight was one that you had gotten used to since you had arrived. However, you didn't feel that same nostalgia that you had felt the first time. Rayla was about to speak when she saw someone approaching you. "Y/N?" You don't reply to Jesse's voice. Jesse noticed your unusual behaviour. Rayla said, "Y/N...are you?" You sigh, "It's nothing, Rayla." Jesse spoke up, "It ain't nothin' if you're actin' weird." You mutter, "Shut it, crystal boy." It was Chione who had bowed to Jesse. She spoke apologetically, "Please excuse my lady's behaviour. I am not sure why she is acting this way. Something isn't right." Rayla replies, "I've been trying to tell you that this entire time..." Jesse thought to himself, "Is she still haunted by what happened with Nightshroud and Atticus?"

Meanwhile, Atticus felt something strange within his heart. He knew something was wrong. "Atticus?" Atticus snaps out of his trance to see Alexis giving him a worried look. Atticus said, "I have a horrible feeling right now. I'm not sure where it's coming from. Although, I think I know who might be the cause of this bad feeling." Alexis doesn't respond to her older brother's statement. She knew what he was going to do.

You were staring at the ceiling in your room. Nothing you tried could make you feel at ease. The words the dark spirit had spoken before the duel haunted you. "You think that you have no darkness inside of you? What about the doubt? You're no better than every other human on this planet. Why don't you suffer like everyone else? The darkness inside of your heart will eventually cloud your fragile mind into oblivion." You continue to stare at the blank concrete above your head. "Y/N?" Your head snaps up when you see Chione gazing down at you. It made you wonder how her patience never ran out when it came to you.

Chione had always been the outcast in her family. She was the youngest between herself and her only sister. Lumi was three years older than Chione. When it came to their parents, Chione struggled to catch their attention. Lumi was quite talented and always made her parents proud. Chione however, had always been calm no matter what. Lumi's temperament was quite the opposite. Though Lumi was intelligent, she'd never think before she spoke. She also refused to listen to anyone who opposed her way of thinking. However, there was one day in particular that made Lumi respect her younger sister.

Chione said, "Wait big sister! We shouldn't go that way...Mother warned us not to anger the spirits." Lumi rolls her eyes, "You worry too much, little sister. Those spirits won't care if I walk all over their shrine." Right when she said that, there was a sudden chill that surrounded both of the girls. Chione spoke frantically, "Lumi? Lumi?! What's going on, big sister?!" Lumi slowly began to turn to ice, "Little sister...I..." Lumi's voice faded into her frozen figure. Chione said, "Spirits of ice, please don't punish my sister for her behaviour. Punish me instead! I am just as guilty for my actions! Please, I beg of you!" When Chione continued to beg, the actions that followed her desperate plea shocked her. Her older sister had turned back into an unfrozen human right before Chione's rosy orbs. She gasps and says, "Big sister!" She ran up to her but was suddenly pushed away by Lumi. Chione asked, "Did...Did I do something wrong?" Lumi shook her head, "I'm sorry, little sister. I shouldn't have gotten you involved in my mess." The spirits of ice had spoken up, "You were courageous to defend your sister from her own demise. You my child are special. You control the icy breeze with such sereneness and such wiseness. When you get older, you will become a great leader to your people."

Several years later, Lumi had vanished. Chione did everything she could to find her. However, Lumi had vanished without a trace. The year Lumi vanished was one of the most difficult years for Chione. Chione sighs and looks to the now darkening skies. She whispers, "Big sister...please be safe. I wish that the spirits that guided me will now guide you back to the village." Chione heard a voice ask, "Are you alright?" Chione's eyes widen when she notices two women staring in her direction. One of them spoke, "Rayla, stop prying into her business." The second woman spoke, "Can it, Falin! I'm worried about her." Chione questions, "Can I help either of you?" The first woman said, "I'm Rayla and this is Falin. We were looking for the village chief when we both got lost." Chione was puzzled by their behaviour. Chione replies, "The village chief had to leave to attend other duties." Falin mutters, "Great..." Chione asked, "Is there a problem?" Falin sighs, "The chief was our last hope. You see...Rayla here is an ice archer. Every time she uses a normal bow, she freezes it and it breaks in half." Chione nods in understanding, "You need a specialized bow then..." She adds, "I can try and craft one for you if you'd like." Rayla's eyes lit up, "Really?!" Chione smiles, "Of course. I'd be happy to help you." Falin facepalms, "Rayla, give me a break. We just met this girl, how can we be sure that she isn't a fake?" Chione replies, "I assure you that I can craft many of these items myself."

Moments later, Chione led the ice spirits to her home. Chione said, "I apologize if it's a bit untidy. My parents have been sorting through old items that we are getting rid of." She leads them both to a room full of crafting tools. They were both amazed. Falin asked, "Mind if I watch you craft one of these "special tools?" Are they really that amazing?" Chione shrugs, "Many people exaggerate when they describe my creations. I only do what I feel is right. Crafting these specially made tools happens to be one of those things. My mother taught me how to make them and my father taught me how to take care of them." Chione sat in her chair and took out a carving knife. She then spoke quietly, "I call to the spirits of ice to grant me your blessing. Please assist me in creating a bow of frost that is powerful enough to withstand the forces of flame. I ask that you grant me your wisdom and guidance." Falin was intrigued by Chione's prayer to the village deities. She had never seen a woman pray to the spirits in such a calm manner. When Rayla watched Chione, she was impressed by her swift actions. Chione wipes her forehead and said, "Rayla, you can test this out now." The ice archer's eyes light up when she had said that. That was the first time Chione learned the true meaning of friendship and hope.

Chione gazes at your blank expression. Your face was quite pale and she knew that it was part of whatever was happening inside of your mind. Chione calmly spoke, "I do not know what is going on in your mind. Although, I do know that you are an ardent person who does not give up easily. I want you to know that you are not alone, my lady. You are a kind person yet you choose to hide your heart in front of those you cherish. You cannot become a better person if you hid behind a crumbling wall. That wall will break and send you scrambling for another way to protect yourself." You reply, "How am I supposed to create another one?" Chione shook her head, "You are missing my point, my lady. I am saying that you mustn't close yourself off from the people who are trying to help you. All of us want you to rely on us from time to time. It would be easier on your mind and on your aching heart." You look down at your hands, "How am I supposed to be more open? I always hide my heart from my friends. I can't open up to them so easily." Chione replies, "You do not have to rush, Y/N. Rushing things will only stress you out even more. Take this process slowly. Time will guide you to where you need to be. Time will also show you where you will end up going within the depths of your wishes." You nod, "You're right, I know that I have a long way to go. I may not be the most open-hearted person, but I'll try to be more open with everyone." Chione smiles gently, "That is all I ask of you, Y/N. I am not asking you to do anything else." Chione adds, "You are a kind person, Y/N. You will take on people who threaten the people you love. However, you must also be cautious about it. Atticus may not always be there with you." You reply, "I understand how you feel. However, I am not going to just get into a random fight. I'm not the type of person to start a fight. I'll do whatever I can to stop a fight from happening."

However, the darkness inside of your heart spoke otherwise. Many of the thoughts inside of you wanted to escape. They wanted to show a different and vulnerable side to your personality. You told yourself that you'd only show it when the time was right. That time was not set and the time you chose was not close enough.

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now