Chapter 13

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A/N: Hello! Welcome back to another chapter! This is one of the chapters that I had fun writing. I'm obsessed with fantasy and I hope that I can include it in some of these chapters. I also love Japanese, Egyptian and Greek mythology. The legends from each of those types of folklore will always fascinate me no matter what it's about. I can't believe that we're already more than halfway through this book. I'm going to stop rambling and let you enjoy this chapter.

Happy reading!


Word count: 1949 of 50,000
Total word count: 26,206 of 50,000

His eyes wander aimlessly. He tried so desperately to find his way out. Nothing he did would stop the "other side" from performing acts of cruelty. The eyes of his dark half were cold and unforgiving. What was he going to do?

Atticus awoke with a start. He sighs in relief when he notices that you hadn't woken up. He had been having these nightmares more frequently. They were becoming more vivid with every one that he experience. He didn't want to trouble you with it. Atticus wrote a small note and left it on your dresser. He quietly leaves the room before whispering, "I have to do something....and I can't involve you in it."

You were greeted by an unknown light. Your eyes flew open in a hasty manner. You look around and see a piece of paper on your dresser.

Dear Y/N,

Something urgent had come my way and I had to leave. I'm sorry that I couldn't be there to greet you like usual.

Love you,


You sigh, "He could've been more specific about why he left. This note is too cryptic for my liking." Lyria nods in agreement, "I have a feeling that Atticus is hiding something. I just hope that he isn't making any irrational decisions on his part." You shake your head in disagreement. You reply, "I don't think that's the case. If it was, then Atticus wouldn't have left this note. He wouldn't have said anything. If anything does happen, I'll find out one way or another."

Atticus mutters, "Why am I doing this?" He stood in front of the abandoned dorm. He wondered why he was doing something so reckless. However, he also knew that he had to face the iniquity in his own heart. It corrupted him during the moments he shared with you. He took a deep breath and entered the creepy building. When he went inside, he found himself going through a phase of deja vu. He asked himself, "Why does this look so familiar?" Atticus suddenly remembered something. He murmurs, "This...This is like the dream that I keep having. This world is different than the one that I'm used to. This looks like something out of a fantasy book." Atticus murmurs once more, "This...This is all so strange."

Alexis was panicking. Atticus had suddenly disappeared again. She wasn't sure if it was Nightshroud or it was all just a cruel prank. She was angry with her older brother because of how many secrets he was hiding from her. The more she digged, the more secrets she found were still left unanswered. Alexis didn't want to make you worry. She didn't want to drag you into her own problems. The only other thing that worried her was her own anxiety. She wasn't sure what she was going to do.

You suddenly see your door fly open. You were greeted by a panicked Jesse. You were slightly puzzled, "What is it, gem boy?" Jesse snorts, "I'm used to your nicknames. That doesn't really bruise my ego, Y/N." You question, "Isn't there something you need?" Jesse replies, "It's Alexis, Y/N. I think that she went after Atticus." Rayla looks at the Crystal Beast wielder quizzically, "How can you be so sure that it wasn't someone else?" Jesse shook his head, "I knew that it was Alexis because she ran right past me." You rub your temples, "Why would Alexis do something so stupid? She knows that Nightshroud's minions are bad news. She knows yet she'll still do something reckless." You let out a small sigh, "Although, I'm not really surprised." Jesse was confused, "Why aren't ya surprised?" You reply, "Let's see, it involves her older brother and an abandoned building. Those are two things that tore them apart. If Alexis doesn't act cautiously, the same thing will happen again." You added, "She might be in danger if either of us don't act quickly." Jesse didn't answer you. He wasn't sure why he felt hesitant. You were furious with the blonde Obelisk. You mutter, "This girl is going to be the death of me someday." You and Jesse head for the abandoned dorm. However, you weren't sure what you were going to face.

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now