Chapter 8

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A/N: Here is chapter 8. I am trying my best to write all these chapters ahead of time but school has been keeping me quite busy. I hope that you enjoy this chapter, guys.

Word count: 1828 of 50,000

Total word count:  16,046 of 50,000


"Y/N, come on!" You sniff and hide behind your dad's legs. It was the first time you were meeting your supposed "cousins". You were afraid of them. You were afraid of what they might do to you. Your mother crouches down and speaks in a gentle tone, "It's alright, honey. They aren't going to hurt you. They just want to meet you." She scolds your father, "You're being too rough with her, dear." Your father sheepishly spoke, "R-Right..." The older boy calmly approaches you and speaks, "It's okay, we won't hurt you." The younger blunette said, "Zane, you're scaring her." The older blunette looks at your arms and his jaw tightens. He asked your mother, "Aunt M/N, what happened to her?" She exhales sadly, "The first family that was with her was quite horrible to her. The poor girl is frightened to death." Syrus went toward you and smiled. Your eyes widen and your parents silently watch the interaction. You slowly came out from behind your parents and clutch the stuffed animal in your hand. Syrus came over and suddenly hugged you. Zane sighs, "Syrus...stop that." Your parent were surprised when you hugged Syrus back. Zane puts out his hand, "Come on, we'll protect you."

****End of dream****

You were brought back into reality when you hear Alexis's voice. She spoke in exasperation, "Y/N, stop daydreaming and help me look!" Rayla replies quietly, "Poor Alexis..." You follow after the distraught blonde and feel your heart drop. You think to yourself, "Why would Atticus suddenly vanish like this? Is there something that I've missed?" You shake your head and see Zane's figure running up to you both. Zane asked, "What happened? Why is Alexis crying?" Alexis sniffs, "It's Atticus.....he's gone! He just vanished out of thin air!" You cross your arms, "That's not possible, Alexis." Merlia and Rayla look at you in surprise. You watch Zane's jaw tighten. He said, "It looks like Nightshroud may be behind all of this." You didn't reply to Zane and began to think of the horrible things that your boyfriend might be going through.

Atticus looks around,"Where am I?" Before he could speak, he felt an all-too-familiar darkness surround him. The mask of Nightshroud fell upon his chocolate orbs and concealed the light within him.

You had somehow gotten separated from Zane and Alexis. All you could think of was Atticus. Nothing you did to prevent your ongoing anxiety was helping your current situation. You hear Rayla speak, "Are you going to search for them?" You shook your head, "There's no time for that, Ray. I have to go find Atticus." You were desperate and you needed some kind of closure. You knew what Rayla was going to say. "Do not go any further." You knew that voice all too well. Rayla stutters, "A-Aria...w-what a surprise!" Aria the Ice Crystal Empress did not look impressed. The Ice Crystal Empress stood in front of you. You said, "Move Aria, I don't have time for your lectures right now. I have to go find Atticus before it's too late." Rayla spoke fearfully, "Y-Y/N, you shouldn't talk to Aria like that." You roll your eyes, "Aria doesn't scare me anymore." Aria remarks, "Your foolish action forced me to appear here." You roll your eyes, "Aria, I'll be fine. It's not like Nightshroud is going on pounce on me like a tiger." Aria deadpans, "That's not the point, fool! You don't realize that Atticus Rhodes is also in deep danger! His life is at stake!" You look away and reply, "You think that I don't know that? I'm taking this news harder than Alexis is. I can't accept the fact that my boyfriend is being possessed by the darkness that he never saw coming. I don't want to sit here and no nothing, Aria!" You add, "I'm not sitting here while those creatures are causing havoc around campus." Aria held her staff in front of you, "I forbid you to go any further. You are going to put the lives of the spirits in danger as well." You said, "Fine then! Maybe I should go without you all!" Rayla calls out, "Y/N, wait!" You ran off before Rayla could speak further.

Atticus Rhodes x Reader (NaNoWriMo 2017)Where stories live. Discover now