Chapter 13

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"I can't believe we didn't know. Thank you for warning us. If you are ever in need of assistance, please ask. We'll always be here for you. Felice will show you to your rooms. You are welcome to stay here asking as you like." Beatrice says. "We'll stay over night. We need to help in the battle at Giant's Keep." Isis replies for us.

"Okay, then." The queen says nodding. A messenger flies in and whispers something to the queen. Her face changes from happy to shock.

"I'm afraid you can't go back to Giant's Keep just yet. There's trouble at Dragon Lair. Another battle has erupted. We'll send soldiers to help them, but I think we'll need you there and here too. Split your group up and assign. Would that be okay?" The queen asks Isis and Jenia. I guess they always ask them 'cause they're older.

"That's fine. We just need a message to be sent to Giant' Keep." I speak up. "Of course." Beatrice replies saying something to the messenger. He nods and flies away. Felice waves us over and we follow her to our rooms.

Sophia, Ashley and I share, Andrew and Brandon, and Isis and Jenia. I know, there are two couples here and we should be sleeping together right? Well, we can't. At least, not now.

We put down our weapons on our beds. "Why do we have such great weapons and we can't even use them?" Sophia says sitting on the bed and folding her hands. "Well, at least you can use them in battle." Ashley says shrugging. "Yeah." I say.

Isis comes up at our door. "Esther? We need you at Dragons Lair. You, Andrew, and myself. The rest will stay here. Come." "Can't I go? I never got to use my weapons." Sophia says complaining. "I'm sorry, Sophia. We made a decision. They need you here in case of a surprise attack." Isis replies with a sympathetic smile. Sophia nods sadly and I grab my weapons. I follow Isis out and we meet up with Andrew.

We get out of the castle just as the sky changes color. "We need to get to Dragon Lair fast. Night time will soon fall on us." Isis says. "Where are the soldiers?" I ask. "They went ahead. We need to hurry. Uma told Beatrice that Awry's army had burned the forest and are using the geysers to their advantage. Although the dragons are doing well, they need help." Isis explains. "Okay, then. Let's go." Andrew says.

Just as we enter the forest, the sight we see before us makes us stand still. We just left this place. The forest was thriving and beautiful. Now, it's all burnt and ashes are everywhere. We watch the fight going on. Flaming balls of fire had burned the forests and were being aimed at the dragons. Funny how they aim those fireballs at the dragons when dragons' blood or their inside has fire and so fire doesn't affect them. Guess these guys are crazier than I thought.

I think of the words, and burn a group if soldiers hurting Ida. They burn and she turns towards us. Her eyes look at us with joy, then horror. We turn around and see a group of soldiers coming towards us. "You two go to Ida. I can deal with these guys." Isis says. "No, Isis." Andrew replies firmly. She looks at me with firmness. I grab Andrew's arm and run towards to Ida. We look back and the group of soldiers fall back. I think, and they burn. This might turn out fun. Except for the part that I'n killing people and I'm not still not using my weapons.

We reach Ida and she motions for us to go inside the cave. She follows. "Where are your re parents?" Andrew asks. "They're in Giant's Keep." Ida replies taking deep breaths. "We dragons haven't lost anyone yet. But the army has lessened. Thing is, we're all getting tired. Some of us that are too tired or old to join the fight, are taking care of the children downstairs. I'n the commander of our army and I don't know what to do." Ida says.

"They're sending reinforcements!" Someone yells out. We peek out of the cave entrance. And just as the dragon said, there was an army of soldiers marching towards us. "Come on Andrew. We need to help them." I say. He nods and we run out of the cave siding up with Isis and Ida. We're gonna bring these losers down. And when I say down, I mean either burned, or electrocuted.

The Exiled Princess (sequel to Esther)Where stories live. Discover now