Chapter 1

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Jinse's POV

My alarm buzzed off. I groaned while opening my eyes and scanned the whole room. The wall clock showed that it was 7 a.m. Five more minutes, I thought. Five..more...minutes...


I quickly rose to my mom's shouting. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 7:45. Great. I hurriedly ran into the bathroom and did my daily morning routine. I rushed as fast as I can, stomped down the stairs in a quick pace, snatched the toast from my mother's hand and put it in my mouth. I carried my bag on my right shoulder while chomping down the toast. I then headed to the door and twisted the knob, stepping out without saying a word to my mum. Nothing.

Well, this was pretty much what I did everyday. And it had been going on since I was in the first year of junior high school. I rode my motorbike and took off to school. After about 10 minutes, the school I attended was visible from afar.

I was about to sneak in through the walls, because the gates were closed by now, but unfortunately, I was caught red handed. The security guard recognized me in a glimpse. For 5 years he had, and always managed to stop me from sneaking in. Just die ajuhssi... You've lived enough in this hellish world.

I sighed and followed him to the principal's office, where I was nagged and scolded a lot. I glared at both the security guard and the principal, making them more enraged than ever before. Thus adding more hours to my after school detention. "Why can't you just leave me alone," I muttered as I walked out from his office.

"What did you say?"

"I said, why can't you just leave me alone? You seem to be always picking on me. I mean, come on dude, chill out! My grades are great, if you must say. I have disciplinary issues, but still, compared to the other students my academics showed more progress," I complained. I was telling the truth. You know, I might be a trouble maker and everything, but I had good grades. That's probably why I was never punished when I slept during school periods.

"And I'm here to teach you how to be a better person," he said."So don't put up a rebellious act and just focus on your studies. You've got 2 minutes to get to your class, or else I'll add another 3 hours to your detention,!"

I ran as quickly as possible to my class. I turned to my back and saw the principle still staring at me and counting. Curses.. I turned back to my front and accidentally bumped on a person. A boy, to be precise. We both fell down hard to the floor with me on top of him. As I was in a hurry, I didn't bother to look at his face. I got off him and kicked his body away from my way, "step aside, asshole!" and continued my 'journey' to the class. He was left stunned on the floor looking my way.

I slid the door open strongly, causing a big thump which shocked the teacher and my classmates. I panted heavily as I tried to catch my breath. I glanced at the teacher and limped to my seat beside the window. After I was properly seated, not that I cared, I rested my head on the table facing the window. "SEO JIN SE!" she yelled. "What do you think you're doing?!"

I got up from my position, clasped my hands together, and put my chin on top of them, then casually answered, "sitting,duh, are you blind?"

The other students laughed really hard while the teacher looked as if she was about to cry. Tsk, rookie. My heart softened a bit, though. I relaxingly shouted a 'shut up' towards the class, and that made them quiet. Look who's boss. Hah. I also apologized to the teacher. She smiled and proceeded with the lessons.

You see, I was actually not really that 'badass'. I might always talk back rudely, but I at least still respected the teachers. Sometimes, they would use me to get the other students to act better, like not run in the hallway, or to stay quiet during lessons. And the students hate me for that. But they'd never objected against me, because of Hae Jin.

HaeJin was the typical bossy girl with a gang, who were always bullying other girls and flirting on boys, and whoever dared to talk to 'her' boy, would get non stop terrors. Of course, this was before I came in. Four years ago, her horny boyfriend tried to hit on me. I hated boys. I usually rejected all those asking me out, but her boyfriend was persistent. He didn't care about HaeJin at all. He touched my butt right when I was about to enter my class. I became so angry that I punched his face and hit him repeatedly until he had to be sent to the ICU. Since that happened, no boy had the courage to talk to me again. Finally, some peace.

The next day, Hae Jin broke into my class and grabbed my collar. I explained everything, but she wouldn't listen. She called in her gang and they hit me on the face. Being able to do taekwondo, I defeated all six of them, including HaeJin.

The whole class cheered for me and decided to make me the new leader of the school replacing her. I started taking advantage of this chance, but not too much. I sent people on errands, or asked for free meals. Playing harmless pranks on boys, and talking even ruder than I was before.

At times, Hae Jin would challenge another fight, but I always won solitarily. And sometimes, one of my classmate's mother would come searching for me and slap my face saying that I forced her kid to buy me meals. Pft, I only asked. Her kid was the one willing to pay, when I was okay with him/her not paying.

The whole school preferred me to Hae Jin, as I was not obsessed with what you call boys and my targets of pranks--not bullies, pranks--was only on boys, and called me by the nickname 'The She Killer'. If Hae Jin bullied someone, I was the one sent to defend that someone.

And these had been going on for about 4 years now. Now do you see how difficult it was for me?

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