Chapter 12

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Taehyung's POV

"Hurry up!" I called out to Sujin, who's currently using the girl's bathroom. After the bell rang for school to end, Sujin ran to the bathroom like lightning speed.

Why couldn't she go at lunchtime? Oh wait, she was too busy with Jongnim. Why does that guy have to be here? There's something about that guy that I don't trust. I snapped back to reality when I heard the toilet flushing.

"Finally you're done." I called out again.

She came out the door doing her hair. I ruffled her head so it can be messy.

"That took you long enough."

"Why did you even wait? You could've gone long time ago." Trying to fix her hair.

"If I did, someone could've kidnapped you." Pretending to kidnap her.

"Yah! Stop it!" Smacking me on the head.

"But that's what a prince in shining armour do to their princess." Bowing down.

"Pabo. Stop trying to be funny. You're not even the ideal type of my prince in shining armour." Walking quickly in front.

I tried to catch up with her. "Then what is your ideal type?" I asked her.

She put her finger at the side of her mouth and looked up, thinking. "Maybe a kind, playful, handsome, crazy guy that resembles me in some ways." Nodding and smiling at the same time.

"That guy sounds a lot like me." I winked at Sujin.

"Dream on sunshine." She patted my cheek.

"I will princess."

She rolled her eyes and walked away, with me tailing behind.

"Wait, Sujin, remember that you have have to co e tomorrow. Helping me remember?" Walking beside her.

"Yeah yeah, I know." She groaned.

"Don't worry, it won't be long." I chuckled.

"Saturdays are meant for sleeping until it's night, not working until your legs and arms fall off." She whined.

"I'll make it up to you then," Pulling her wrist,"Let's go to a ice cream parlour close by. I'm hungry." Still holding on to her wrist.

"But I need to go home." Trying to pry my hand off, but it stayed firm.

"Oh come on. I know you love ice cream."

She grunted but then gave in. "Fine. I'll come." She said willingly.

I smiled. We walked for about ten minutes until we got there. We opened the door and the sound of a little bell chimed.

"Annyoung-haseyo." The guy behind the glass greeted. We bowed our heads and Sujin rushed over to the glass, squealing excitedly.

She looked at the ice cream hungrily and looked at one by one, loking like she wanted every one of them. The guy was creepy. He kept staring at Sujin and paying absolutely no attention to me even though I told him what I wanted.

"Hi, I'm Siyoon." He handed out his hand for a handshake. Sujin shook his hand shyly. I ordered chocolate and it cost me two dollar fifty.

Sujin ordered strawberry but he said it was on the house. Seriously, I have to pay but she doesn't? This is totally unfair.

He winked at Sujin and asked her what her phone number was. Why that... that jerk. Sujin stood there awkwardly and kept silent. I walked over to her and put my arm around her shoulders.

"Hey babe. Where do you want to go next?" I pulled her chin close.
The guy looked shocked and kept silent. That's right, keep silent.

Sujin and I walked out of the ice cream parlour with our ice creams and she pulled my hand off her shoulder.

"What the hell Taehyung?" She said, eating her ice cream.

"Don't you mean, 'thank you Taehyung'?" Eating my ice cream as well.

"What for?"

"For saving your ass."


"From that guy? He's a total creep. Asking for your number, idiot."

"So what?"

"So what!? Seriously? Didn't you see how that guy was looking at you?"

"So what?"

"Cause your my princess remember?" I smiled sheepishly.

She looked at me weirdly and confused at the same time.

"What did you say?" She asked.


"What did you say?" She stopped.

"Nothing." Not stopping.

"Maybe I heard wrong." I heard Sujin mumble to herself.

But to me, what I said was not wrong.


"Remember tomorrow!" I called out to Sujin.

"Whatever." She replied.

I rolled my eyes and walked to my house. I kept thinking about how that guy asked for Sujin's number without even hesitating. Guts made of steel I guess.

I felt like I forgot about something, but I guess it's not important.

~Sujin's POV ~

"Whatever." I yelled out to Taehyung, after dropping me at my house. My mom and my sister were on the dinner table, eating watermelon.

My mom looked at me."Where have you been honey?"

"With Taehyung, buying ice cream. We were hungry." I said, grabbing a watermelon. Don't judge, I love watermelon.

"With Taehyung ay?" My sister smiled devilishly.

I made a face and kept on eating. I felt like I forgot something but I couldn't think what it was. Maybe it's not important.

After I finished my watermelon, I dragged my feet to my room and took of my school uniform. I grabbed my towel and had a shower.

I love the feeling of the cold water against my skin. I stayed in the shower for an extra minute or two, due to the water. I got out the shower and changed into some comfortable clothes.

I sat on the bed and tried to remember what I forgot. Suddenly, it clicked. Detention. Crap. I searched for my phone and informed Taehyung.

"Hello? Sujin? What is it?" His groggy voice behind the phone. He was propably sleeping.

"You did remember that we were supposed to be in detention right?" I said worriedly.

He suddenly swore. "Crap. I forgot. Mr. Kang is gonna make us into more trouble when it's on Monday."

"I know, its your fault for the ice cream idea."

"No, you took too long that my stomach growled."

"It's both our fault. What do you think Mr. Kang will do to us?"

"Don't know. Better find out on Monday i guess."
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ^^
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