Chapter 22

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Sujin's POV

   I woke up and the sun hasn't appeared behind the clouds yet but rays of light can be seen in the sky. I was facing Taehyung who was still sleeping. He was holding me, and we were close enough to kiss. His hair covered his forehead and soft breathing can be heard.

  I leaned forward and kissed his forehead, which sent a tingle down my spine. A secret smile formed at his lips and he leaned towards to kiss me, on the lips. He lingered for about ten seconds then pulled away.

"Good morning princess." He greeted me with a sleepy tone.

"Morning babe." Shit.

"Babe ay? I like the sound of that. Care to say it again?" His eyes half open, half closed while smiling.

"I meant Tae. Morning Tae." I said. I'm such an idiot. Why did I say that? Ugh, typical Sujin.

"Babe sounds better." He kissed my cheek. Which made butterflies appear in my stomach.

"I'm hungry." My stomach growled.

"I'll cook breakfast." He said, sitting up. He was shirtless. Damn.

"U-umm, can you wear a shirt?" I covered my eyes. I felt him lean closer.

"Why? Too hot for you?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"No." My ear twitched. Damn it!

"You're lying." He opened my hands and stared at me.

"Just go make me breakfast." I looked away.

"A kiss first." His nose touched mine.

"E-excuse me?" I moved a bit back. I'm still not used to this, even though we made out intensely last night.

"The cook needs a kiss," he pointed to his lips,"On the lips, or no breakfast." He smiled devilishly, and moved closer.

"Fine." I closed my eyes and was about to kiss him but his hand pulled me in and kissed me passionately. He pulled out and gave me a peck on the nose.

"You make my day princess." He grinned before closing the door behind him, and leaving me with a big smile.


  When I finished drying my hair, I smelt smoke coming from the kitchen. I dashed to the kitchen to find an anticipated Taehyung trying to take out a small fire from the pan. I rushed over to him and seized the pan. I threw it in the sink and turned the faucet on, causing the flame to burn out and smoke emitting from it.

  Taehyung sighed of relief and wiped his sweat away. I let him in the kitchen for five minutes and he almost burned the pan. Typical Taehyung.

"Do you know how to cook?" I asked him, with my hands on my hips.

"Uhh, maybe?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"You don't ay? Yet you insisted." I shook my head.

"I guess it was an excuse to get a kiss?" He smiled awkwardly. I walked over to him and smacked his head.

"You could just ask, or you'll burn the house down you idiot."

"Can I have a kiss then?" He smiled smugly.

"No. Now move, I'm gonna make myself cereal." I pushed him aside and got a bowl. I opened the fridge and got out the milk and sugar (A/n Suga, yay). I grabbed a spoon and sat down. I poured the cereal and milk inside the bowl, before adding suga. I scooped the deliciousness and ate it joyfully.

  Taehyung was watching me.

"Can I have some? Please?" He asked, making cute faces. I couldn't resist his cute faces and also, you gotta give the guy some cereal. I scooped it up and offered it to him. He gladly accepted and ate it happily.

"Don't ask me again. Go get yourself your own cereal." I said, while eating.

"Too lazy. I'll just watch you eat." He said, while he rested his chin on his arms and started at me. I ignored him and ate still. Then I saw him licked his lips.

"You want some?" I asked.

"No." He declined.

"Then why did you lick your lips?" I raised my brow.

"I want you." He said smoothly.


"I m-mean, I want food." He quickly avoided my gaze.

"Oookay." Scooping some more cereal in my mouth, but then realized the spoon was empty. I looked down and there was no bowl. I looked over at Taehyung and he was raising the bowl over his mouth, finishing my cereal.

"Yah! That's mine you idiot!" I smacked his head with the spoon.

"Sorry. I gotta go get ready." He put down the bowl and rushed to my room with his uniform.

"Idiot!" I yelled after him. But he only slammed the door closed. I looked over at the bowl and smiled. He's never gonna change that boy.
  Sorry for the short chapter update, but I'm kind of depressed lately so yeah... Also, ideas have been scarce, so bear with me please.


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