Chapter 23

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Sujin's POV

  Aera came to school today and it was a disaster. First, she "accidently" spilled water on me, but luckily Rayeon had a spare shirt. Second, she sat on my desk and the teacher said I have to sit on hers, which made her sit next to Taehyung for the whole period. Last, she stuck gum on my hair before lunch.

  What's worst is that it was in her mouth, yuck! I rushed to the bathroom to get rid of the gum. I looked in the mirror and saw that it was on the side. I tried removing it with my hands but it didn't budge. I took out a pair of scissors and tried cutting the gum out of my hair without ruining it. But then Aera came inside.

"Well well well. Isn't it our little slut." She emphasized slut. She was alone. I thought she would have her little followers behind her.

"What do you want Aera?" I asked, annoyed. I finally cutted the gum out of my hair successfully and turned to look at her with my hand on my hip.

"Stay away from Taehyung." She walked up to me and poked my forehead with her finger.

"Sorry, can't do that. Now, if you have anything else important to tell me, goodbye." I started walking out of the door with my bag, with the scissors inside. She stopped me by pulling my hair harshly.

"Oh no you don't." She snapped.

"Aera what the hell!" I yelled from the pain. I rubbed my head.

"Leave Taehyung." She glared at me. I didn't say anything, except I walked put the door,  and she didn't stop me this time. I walked away without looking back and that was a huge mistake. The moment I did, I felt something really hard slam against my head and I lost balance and collapsed on the floor. The last thing I saw was Aera holding a massive encyclopedia with her hand, walking away, before I blacked out.


"Sujin. Sujin, wake up." I heard a familiar voice said. My eyelids felt heavy but I managed to open my eyes slowly. I saw who was calling my name. Taehyung. He hugged me when I opened my eyes.

"I'm glad your okay." He said when he pulled back.

"What happened to me and where am I?" I asked, trying to get up. Taehyung helped me.

"Your in the nurse's office. And you don't remember what happened?" He raised his brow. I tried remembering back. Then it hit me, Aera hit an ncyclopedia at my head, intentionally.

"It was Aera." I said.

"What did she do to you?" Taehyung asked.

   I pointed to the back of my head. "She hit my head with an encyclopedia."

"What! How could she do that?" Taehyung exclaimed.

"She wanted you." I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Are you jealous?" He pulled my chin to look at him. He had a smile spread across his face.

"I don't know. Ask your girlfriend Aera." I growled. But then he pecked my lips, which made my growl disappear.

"Your my girlfriend Sujin and nobody will take me away from you." He winked and pulled me in for another kiss. Someone coughed and we pulled away. It was the nurse, and she didn't look annoyed.  Actually, she was smiling.

"How sweet. But don't do that here again or the principal will find out." She smiled at us. She walked away again. We looked at each other and grinned like idiots. What we didn't know was that Aera was watching us with a dark expression.


Taehyung's POV

   We walked out of the nurse's office and headed for class. I forgot that I had to run an errand so I told Sujin to go ahead in class without me. I walked to Mrs. Jeong's room but then someone pulled me against the wall. It was Aera. For a girl, she's pretty strong.

"Hey babe." She smiled.

"I'm running an errand and I'm gonna be late for class." I pushed her away but then she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"But that's boring. Let's ditch class and have some fun." She insisted.

"It's okay. You go with your boyfriend." Trying to pry her arms off me.

"I broke up with him. I want you." Her fingers made a circular motion on my chest.

"Sorry. I told you, I'm gonna be late. If you excuse me,I gotta go." I succeeded in moving her away from me and I walked away. She just stood there glaring at me but I didn't care because Mrs. Jeong might me mad at me for being late.

   I ran to class after I finished my errand and luckily the teacher didn't mind because I gave her an excuse note from Mrs. Jeong. I sat next to Sujin who was paying no attention to the teahcer. She was just staring outside at two butterflies playing with each other. I smiled, because it reminds me of me and Sujin.

   I held her hand under the table, so the teacher won't notice. I leaned over to her ear.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? The two butterflies. It reminds me of us." She gripped my hand in response.

"Yes. Yes it does." She smiled, still looking at the butterflies.

"So any questions?" The teacher asked, looking at everybody. I removed my hand just in time she looked at me. I shook my head.

"Alright. Class is dismissed." And just in time, the bell rang. We exited the classroom and I helped Sujin with her books. Aera walked past and mouthed 'slut' at Sujin. I noticed.

"Why does she call you that?" I asked. Walking towards her locker to get her other books.

"She's just jealous." She said. She opened her locker and brought out some more books.

"Want me to carry those?" I insisted.

"Sur-." She was about to say but I stole the books from her hands and wrapped mine around it. She looked at me and smiled. She closed her locker and we headed for the door. We walked past the crowd of kids and walked to our houses.

"So, any plans today?" I looked over at her. She shook her head lightly.

"Oh okay." We reached her house. I spin her around and kissed her on the lips. She was caught off by surprise but she kissed back. My hands found their way to her head and pinned her closer. We pulled away when we heard someone cough loudly. I arched my head sideways and saw Sujin's mum standing in front of the opened door, staring at us. Beside her was Hari smiling widely.



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