Chapter 18

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Dedicated to: theclassykid. Who's been a great friend lately. Ps: Pls check out his awesome poems ^_^

Sujin's POV

"Bye guys. Thanks for today, I really enjoyed it." I waved at  Rayeon and the others. Taehyung stood next to me and kept on waving. He had to come with me because he lives just two houses from me. After the car couldn't be seen anymore, I looked at Taehyung.

"Hey, uh, wanna come over?" He asked nervously. He never does that because I can come to his house any time.

"Of course! I mean you do owe me pizza." I locked my arms with his and walked to his house. He opened the door but he went in first. So much for ladies first.

I plopped on the couch and he handed me a can of coke. I opened it and the sound of the hiss filled my ears. I gulped it all down, because there was nothing to drink in the car. Taehyung grabbed the phone and ordered pizza.

  Miyeong wasn't home cause she was at a friend's house for a sleepover for two days. The pizza came in less than twenty minutes, that was fast. Whenever I would order pizza, it would be here thirty minutes after.

  Taehyung handed me the box first, and we did our traditional seremony. He would hand me the box and we would sing the pizza anthem. Pretty awesome right? We started this tradition in eighth grade, and we still do it now.

  After we did the anthem, I took the first slice and was about to eat it, but Taehyung snatched it from my hands.

"Taehyung! C'mon, I  hungry." I whined.

  He smiled and shook his head. "I will, if we play a game."


"C'mon. It'll be fun. Please for me." He pouted. It was cute but not cute enough.


"You can have my crusts."

Did he say crusts? "Okay"

"Truth and dare"

"I already owe you solids." I whined.

"I'll take them away."

I poked my tongue but nodded.

"Okay. Ready. Set. Go. Rock, paper, scissors!" We said in unison.

  I won the first round.  Hehehe, the things I would make him do for me.

"Damn." He hissed, but was smiling.

"Ok. Truth or dare?" I said.

"Umm, truth."

"Who was your first love?"
Taehyung's POV

"Who was your first love?" Sujin smirked.

"What kind of question is that? Do another one." I stated.

  She looked at me with a puppy face. Damn it Sujin, not the puppy face. I tried to avoid it by looking away, but she grabbed my face and stared at me. Crap.

  Ever since I found out that I've fallen for her, even the little things she does makes me go crazy. Her laugh, when we have skin contact, her smile, everything. Everything about her makes me go crazy.

  I could hear her soft breathing and she was staring at me with the most cutest face ever. That, I could not avoid.

"Fine, but I'm not telling you her name." I folded my arms.

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