Chapter 13

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Sujin's POV

*beeb beeb*
The sound of my alarm woke me. I got up slowly and checked the time, 10:00am. Crap, I'm late for Taehyung. I jolted from my bed and ran over to the bathroom.

I showered hastily and brushed my teeth quickly. I put on a pair of jeans a plain  white t-shirt. I ran to the kitchen and found my parents there.

"Morning sweetie. You're up early and it's a Saturday. First time." My dad said, sounding surprised.

"Morning. It's because I'm helping Taehyung with cleaning his house. Okay, bye." I waved, with a sandwich in my hand.

I put on my jacket and rushed to Taehyung's house. I opened the gates and walked over to the door. I knocked on the door. No reply.

I knocked again. Still no reply.

"Taehyung!" I yelled. I heard some footsteps coming down the stairs. They sounded heavy. Taehyung.

I heard the unlocking of locks and then Tehyung opened the door... half naked.

"Hey Sujin." He yawned. His hair was messy and ruffled. He had dark circles under his eyes. I quickly covered my eyes from Taehyung and he let out a small laugh.

Wait, he just woke up?

I removed my eyes and shouted. "You idiot! I thought I was supposed to come early instead I find that you just woke up." I smacked his head.

"Yah! Stop it, I was tired." Rubbing his eyes.

"I was tired too you idiot!" I snapped.

"Oh just shut up and come inside." He said rasply.

I looked around, nothing has changed much. Inside the house was creamy brown and a modern design. The sun shone brightly inside the house and it looked pretty.

"Hey Sujin." Miyeong waved at me.

"Hey Miyeong." I waved back. She sat on the table, eating cereal.

"If you want some, there's more in the fridge." Taehyung said, pointing at the refrigerator. I nodded. I could hear my stomach growling because I didn't have a proper breakfast.

I shuffled to the fridge and opened it. Whoa. Their fridge is practically full from top to bottom. This is what heaven must feel like. There was leftover pizza, fruits, chips, burgers, coke, cookies and more. I know there's more.

Then there's cereal, typical breakfast. It was fruit loops, yes. I seized the box and grabbed the carton of milk. I put it on the table and went to get a bowl and spoon.

After I got my bowl and spoon, I sat on the table. Time to fill my empty stomach. I poured some cereal in my bowl following with the milk.

"SUJIN!" Taehyung yelled. I got shocked and spilt the milk on my shirt. No, it was one of my comfortable shirts. Dang you Taehyung.

"TAEHYUNG! What the hell!?" I snapped.

"You idiot! That was the expired milk. Didn't you see the date? Today's the eighteenth and it was expired last month." Snatching the carton from me and throwing it in the trash.

"How the hell did you see all the way from there!?" I pointed at the living room.

"I put the sticker on the expired carton but I forgot to take it out." Smiling sheepishly.

I looked down at my shirt and grunted.

"You ruined my shirt!" I yelled.

"Don't get your pants twisted. I have a spare, follow me." Walking up the stairs. I followed him to his room.

His room was messy as usual. Books everywhere, clothes on the floor, a pizza slice. Seriously Taehyung? He opened his drawer and rummaged through his clothes while I stand there awkwardly, looking everywhere.

Oh, did you know that he has his own bathroom? Yeah, he does. I mean, my family and I have only one and all of us have to use it. Taehyung have, like, I don't know five? It was a guess.

I snapped out of daydreaming when Taehyung threw a shirt at my face.

"There you go, and stop staring at the toilet stupid." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and threw him a stuffed lion. He has a lot of those in his room. Weirdo.

I pointed at the door. "Get out while I'm changing." I said sternly.

He looked at me and winked. "You sure you want me outside?"

I gasped and threw him another stuffed lion. "Pervert. Just get out you weirdo."

He shrugged and rushed outside before giving me a wave. I shook my head. Idiot.

I quickly changed and head downstairs. I stopped when I heard Taehyung and Miyeong arguing.

"No way! Fruit loops is better than coco pops." I heard Taehyung say.

"Pshh, yeah right, if you have bad taste in cereal." I heard Miyeong smirk.

"Says the girl who likes coco pops." He said. Next minute later, I hear running of footsteps and screaming laughter.

I shook my head and smiled. I continued walking until I saw Miyeong running towards me. Crap.


Miyeong tackled me and I fell on the floor. Taehyung was running towards us too, but he couldn't stop. No no no no, please don't use me a landing cushion. Too late, Taehyung tackled me again. I fell back on the floor and my head hit Taehyung's head.

I opened my eyes and see Taehyung groaning. He then looked in my eyes as well and then to my lips, then back to my eyes.

"Ugh, get a room." Miyeong whined.

I blushed and Taehyung helped me up.

"You okay? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.

I shook my head and looked away so he won't see my cheeks flaring up.

"Here. I'll carry you to the living room." He said, parting on his back for a piggyback.

"No no no. It's okay, I'm alright." I refused.

"Idiot, I tackled you and I know I'm heavy." And with no hesitation, he carried me bridal style. I squealed but he didn't let go. I looked at him and he looked at me before looking away shyly.

I looked at my hands, like they were the most interesting thing in the world and blushed really hard.

He put me down on the sofa gently and sat opposite me.

"Is anything hurting? An arm? Leg?" Looking anxious. I've never seen this side of him. Acting all worried, especially to me, whom  he teased all these years.

"I'm fine. No need to worry."

"Jinja? (really?)"

I nodded.

"Okay." With that he stood up and smacked my head.

"What the-"

"That's payback." He smiled.

Ugh, I knew this was too good to be true. I stood up and ran after him. He ran fast but I caught up with him. I grabbed his collar and yanked him back. I yanked too hard because the moment I did, he turned back and our lips touched.

Hey everybody. I'm sorry if I have any grammar mistakes cause i dont proof read. Im too lazy. So if there are any, Im sorry.
One more thing, if anybody is from Australia that's reading this, pls comment below.

Ps:Plz comment and vote. ^_^

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