Chapter 5

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Sujin's POV

"Hey Sujin, nice boyfriend." A guy name Pilsaid.

"At least I have one. Where's your girlfriend? Oh wait, you don't have one." I replied innocently.

"Ohhhh." The crowd of kids near us said.

"I'm your boyfriend now?" Taehyung snickered.

"Don't get your hopes up sunshine. I was only saying that to shut him up." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right princess, I know you want this." He pointed to himself.

"Yeah, in my nightmares." I smiled at him.

"At least you're dreaming about me." He winked.

"In my nightmares." I corrected.

"Fine, fine, you win... princess." And with that he ran away.

"HEY, KIM TAEHYUNG! Get back here!" I shouted. Some kids turned around but I ignored them.

He ran really fast and I couldn't catch up with him. I stopped to catch my breath and I slumped on the floor. I didn't care if people are watching me beacuse I need to rest if my heart is gonna beat out of my chest.

"He could be an athlete that guy." someone said.

I looked up and find a hand outstretched towards me. It was Jongnim. A guy that used to help me in maths, cause I suck at it.

We use to talk a lot and we still do now. He has light brown hair with brown eyes as well. Smart and has a good figure. When I say good figure, I mean awesome figure.

With a six pack, don't ask me how I knew. It was an accident. I got into the wrong bathroom, when I was sophomore and I saw him change ok.

"Yeah right. All he could ever do is run away from me. He's that scared, I know." Taking his hand.

"What did you do to him this time, or is it the other way around?" He asked.

"The other way around." I stated.

"What did he do to you this time?"

"This time?" I asked, confused.

"Remember that time when he tried to ask you for the answers in the maths exam and the teacher thought you guys were cheating. Then you guys got detention for two hours for a whole week. It was pretty insane." Making a face.

"Yeah, it drove me insane as well. I could've killed him on the spot." Pretending to strangle Taehyung's neck.

"So, what did he do this time?"

I told him the whole story of how Pil said "nice boyfriend" to Taehyung telling me that I want him to me chasing him through the hallway.

"Ha ha ha, you guys are a riot. You should make a reality show about you two and you could get famous on the first day." Jongnim said, pretending like he's a cameraman.

"You mean I would get famous, since I would be doing most of the work." I joked. We both laughed until Taehyung saw us.

He had a stormy expression and walked towards us.

"Why the hell are you," pointing at me,"hanging out with him?" pointing at Jongnim.

"Who are you to tell me who I should hang out with?" I said, annoyed at him.

"I'm your best friend, that's why."

"But you're not my dad." Folding my arms over my chest.

"Even so, you shouldn't hang out with him."

"And why is that huh?"

"It's just that-that-that, you know what, I'm not answering that!" And with that he stormed off.

I turned to Jongnim,"Look, I'm so sorry about that. I gotta go calm him down or else we don't know if he might break down this school. Again I'm so sorry." I apologised.

"No it's okay, besides I gotta go to class before I'm late." I waved him goodbye and he returned the favor.

Damn, what is with Taehyung right now. Did he get up on the wrong side of the bed? No that can't be, he was fine this morning. Then what is wrong with him?

I went to the classroom but he wasn't there. I went to the cafeteria but he wasn't there. I decided to go check the roof.

As soon as I got to the door of the roof, I saw someone. He was facing his back but I knew it was him because he was wearing his favourite leather jacket.

I sat next to him but he turned the other way. What a big baby.

"Taehyung." No answer.

I said his name again but he didn't answer.

"You know what, I give up. If you don't want to talk to me, I'll go back to the classroom." I was about to leave but Taehyubg stopped me.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, I was wrong and you were right. I'm not a judge to tell you who you should hang out with. You can slap me all you want." He said, still turning his to me.

I sat back down. Taehyung has never been this emotional to me let alone sincerely apologizing to me. I was taken aback.

"I forgive you and I was wrong too. I shouldn't have yelled at you Taehyung." I said, looking down at my hands.

"I just don't know why you said that I shouldn't hang out with Jongnim. I mean, he's a pretty great guy but I still don't understand."

I noticed that he winced when I said that Jongnim was a great guy. I'm more confused now.

"You're not ready for the answer." I heard Taehyung mumble under his breath.

"What did you say?" I'm more more confused now.

"Huh, oh nothing," he finally turned towards me,"So, you not mad at me anymore?"

"No, why?" Still confused.

"You're gonna owe me a solid, cause you hurt my feelings you know." He pouted.

Oh no. "What if I don't?"

"You owe me fifty dollars." He smiled with his box-ish smile. That smile could be a heart stealer...I said could.

"Fine." I gave in. Now this time, I was the one sulking.

"And to think that I'm gonna ask you for five dollars." I said out loud, accidently. Stupid mouth.

"What was that?" He asked curiously.


"Oh come I heard you. I can give you twenty if you owe me two solids."






"I'll buy you pizza for a week."

I turned around.  "Deal!" I agreed. I mean guys, it's pizza for free for a whole frickin' week! How could I say no. I mean it's only two solids right? How bad can it be.

Hallo people! I'm on a role right now, this chapter is a long one. We should call for a celebration!😁🎉 Yay. Ok, enjoy.
Ps:Plz vote and comment.

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