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I steal a glance at the woman beside me as she gasps. Terror fills her expression. Since all of the robbers are distracted, I whisper in her direction.

"What's wrong?"

She whispers back to me, panicked.

"I think my water just broke."

She balls her hands into fists, her face scrunching up in pain. This attracts the attention of the criminals.

"What's going on over there? No talking!"

"This woman just went into labor. She needs to get to a hospital."

"No way. Nobody is leaving. Not until we have two million dollars in our hands."

I can tell that, by the tone inflicted in his voice, the man wants nothing to do with a pregnant woman or her unborn child.

"Then at least let me get her to a separate room so we don't disturb you."

A different masked man laughs, nervous and confident at the same time.

"Her and that baby can rot."

His grammar bothers me.

"Do you really want to see the miracle of childbirth live and in person, or do you want to focus on your money?"

He's visibly hesitant.

"Just send one of your people back with us! I'm sure you have more of them somewhere!"

Wrong words. All the guns are now trained on me, all of the triggers covered with black gloved fingers.

"No. It can take hours for a baby to be born."

He turns to his crew.

"Get back to work. Pat downs, bag checks, anything."

They nod, dispersing to the crowd, two still standing guard over them all. The leader watches proudly as his minions uncover money from the bottom of a young man's shoe and real gold earrings from an elderly lady.

For a moment, I forget about the pregnant lady beside me.

Until she grabs onto my arm. I jerk my head in her direction.

She motions me over, I lean in, giving her my ear.

"I've been in labor since yesterday. My water broke and the contractions are stronger today."

I look around for some kind of cloth to use as a cover. My eyes land on a man with a hoodie.

"Hey! Toss me your hoodie!"

Fear fills his eyes. The leader addresses me again, angry.

"Can't you shut up already?"

"I need to check how far along she is and I think she, and all the patrons, would appreciate if I gave her some privacy."

He mulls it over for a second before turning to hoodie guy.

"Give me your hoodie."

The hoodie is tossed to the robber. He pulls a pocket knife, cutting it roughly in half. It flies through the air, landing in my hands. I turn my attention back to the woman.

"I'm just going to take off your pants. Bend your knees and spread your legs."

She obeys. I drape the fabric over her knees before reaching in and undoing the button on her pants. They slide off easily. Same with her underwear.

I check how far along she is.

"The baby is almost to the point of crowning."

Her eyes widen with shock. I turn my head, glaring at the mastermind of the plan.

"I suggest you give us some privacy in one of the back rooms, or the neighbors are going to get suspicious from all the screaming coming from the bank."

He thinks over the proposition and situation over for a moment before responding.

"Kolli. Go with them. Make sure they aren't faking."

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