Just Another Broadcast

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Sunlight was peeking out from the blinds onto the bed. It seemed to be the only alarm that woke up the blond still laying in bed trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep. Which tossing around in the sheets were making it harder to move. Sun flashed in the man's eyes for a good minute. That wasn't helping anything, so he decided to get out of bed and survive another day in Night Vale.

A sleepy voice filled the room and called out. "Hmm... Carlos?"


Cecil, now sitting up on the bed, had sheets gathered around his bottom half. He waited for another minute before calling out for his boyfriend once again


Another moment filled with silence filled the room. That just gave Cecil a faint depressed feeling. It seemed that Carlos had gone to the lab early today. Important science must be done it seemed. That didn't bother Cecil. He'll catch up with him later after his broadcast. 

Speaking about his broadcast he needed to get ready for the day. He had everything planned out for the day. First shower then change into his colorful outfit. A purple striped long sleeved that was about a size too big, black and white smoke leggings, tie dye socks and a leather jacket to hide from the chilly breeze that was in the forecast. Brushed his hair the best he could hoping it looked decent, then brushed his teeth. The faint memory of Carlos' pearly whites entered his mind. He tried his best to shake that away.

After everything was done of his morning schedule, he grabbed an oatmeal bar from the pantry and headed off to the community radio station. Every so often, Carlos seemed to pop in his head, but each time the memory of him seem to be distance. It felt like days at first since he last saw his boyfriend then weeks, then months. He swore he just saw Carlos last night. His memory was always fuzzy.  He was beginning to think this was happening since he didn't see the scientist this morning. That seemed to make sense. 

Once in the radio station he was greeted by a new face. A new intern. Cecil hear her call herself Galaxy? That seemed to be her name. That made sense. He was handed the folder of today's news. A quick glance inside was all he wanted, but he got a quick slap at his own hand by the intern.

"Just wait until you get into the studio, Palmer." She spoke with a sharp tongue. Almost like she didn't want to be here. College credit. That's what all the interns only wanted. Maybe that's why.

Once in the recording studio, Cecil took a seat at the desk with the microphone hanging above the desk. His purple headphones laid on the clean desk, which he took in both hands and secured them over his ears. A perfect fit each time. He took out the papers out of the file and laid them out neatly on the desk. News check, traffic yup, the community calendar of course, and the weather. Everything was there. A quick glance over at the glass that the intern was hiding behind was to get the okay to start up. A nod came from Galaxy showing Cecil had the right away.

  ☆ ☆☆☆ 

Silence filled the room you are in. You're drowning. Take a deep breath and scream. Maybe that will help drain it. Welcome to Night Vale.

Well listeners I swear I'm in a dream. Where I'm broadcasting to you or so I believe I am. Either way I shall bring you the news. Lately there has been a rush of growing cacti outside the whispering forest. Nothing odd about cacti growing in the desert. That's where they are usually found. Just these cacti produce different color liquids when cut. Now I'm not a scientist, I'm a journalist, but to my knowledge cactus juice is usually a pasty white color. Right now the cacti are creating... well it looks like I don't have anything on this. 

Hey Galaxy, she's my new intern. Intern Shawn hadn't come back from Station Management, so I'm guessing Station Management found me a new intern. Thanks. To the family of Intern Shawn we are deeply sorry for your lost. Back to what I was asking. Galaxy can you go to where the cacti are and get some information for the news? Thanks! 

While Galaxy is on that, let's get to traffic. Roll down your window and look into the distance. Out of the corner of your eye you see small bundles of hedgehogs. Four bundles. Each bundle the hedgehogs have formed a circle.  Chanting their songs of hedgehogness. Rolling down the road in a diamond pattern while singing, the hedgehogs go. Don't question their song choice just nod your head to the beat of the rhythm. Best to look away from them, if only one catches your eyes the song will stop and so will you. This has been traffic.

Back to the cacti problem. Well it's not really a problem just something odd with the cacti. So a cacti problem. Galaxy has informed me that one of the cacti produces a steamy red color while another has a bluish tint when cut. Just be careful of the cactus...cacti? I heard they like to put up a fight if threaten. Cacti? Weird name. Why can't we just call them Cactuses or just Cactus? No that would get confusing. Cactuses it is. Galaxy says there's even one just -- wait I'm sorry I didn't get that. There seems to be some static on her end. I'll fix this while you listen to the community calendar.

Monday is replaced with Thursday. Tuesday there will be a showing of The Shining at the Opera house. It says not to bring a flashlight, ones will be provided for you. Still don't understand what Opera is. Wednesday is a holiday involving pirates. Monday is simple. Friday there will be a curfew at ten. City Council hasn't said why. Hopefully more on this story later. Saturday the sun will be rising an hour later than usual so sleep in, only if you can't. Sunday is going to be a surprise. Don't say anything about Sunday. So...uh disregard what I just said.

So Galaxy had her phone snatched by a cactus, but they got it back. Oh good! She liked to say that she's the only one out here. Well that's odd, what about the scientists? You think they would be listening to the show and going over to check out this science filled problem. Wait Galaxy can you repeat that. Stop talking about Scientists?  Look, Galaxy I don't understand why I talk about them. I know they exist and they do, so don't tell me to stop talking about them. Scientists are wonderful. My boyfriend is--  Galaxy, stop yelling at me. I'm positive that-- Okay listeners I doubt you want to listen to Galaxy and I bicker back and forth so I shall bring you to the Weather.

Music stops over the air and there was just static. A creak from that sounded like a door and light footsteps echoed on the air. The voice was different. It wasn't the normal silk voice that seemed to either put listeners at ease or in panic. It was a silvery female's voice that echoed through the radios in Night Vale.

Intern Gala here. Ugh it's not Galaxy. Who names their kid that? Anyway, sorry listeners it seems well when I came back Palmer wasn't in the recording studio. The cacti, which will always be called cacti, are back to normal. They do give a good punch at the gut. Nothing to worry about anything. So from all at the community radio station, we bid you a goodnight. So Night, Night Vale.


Author's Note: Woah 1200~ words! Yeah that's more like it. Okay sorry, not sorry about the cliffhanger. Just it felt right. Well again the cacti news was brought up in a chat. Did you like the weather choice? Took me hours to find one that fits well. It's What's Wrong by PVRIS. You should totally listen to them.

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