Portal Problems?

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Author's Note: If you haven't listened to Old Oak Doors then a slight spoiler is ahead. WARNING!


With the ingredients laid out on the table in front. A nonsexist angel's feather, a vial of blood from Cecil(who agreed with science, oddly), and hair from a traveler. Carlos had read each instruction about this chemical mixture, but he still wasn't sure on if this was going to work. He had experience already with other worlds, but he was still unsure about this. Either way he had no other choice. He needed to find his Cecil. He mixed up the ingredients with a can of Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. He handed one glass to Cecil and he kept the other.

"Bottoms up." Cecil smirked before downing the drink.

Followed by Carlos in suit. He swore under his breath. It was worse than anything he had ever had. Never would he be able to drink a Cherry Vanilla soda the same.

The last part was well...something Carlos would never have done. Cecil grabbed Carlos' arm before pulling him along as he jumped out a window. Glass shattered as the two bodies made contact. The strange part was they weren't outside, they were in the same room they just were. They were in the lab next to Big Rico's, but this one was abandoned. Almost the same feeling Carlos got when he first had seen the place. Oddly with glass scattered around the floor, there were no broken windows. 

Cobwebs and creatures of the dark lurked in the lab. To Carlos, it felt like they time traveled. It was legal, but that wasn't' what he was going for. Time travel wouldn't have been so pleasant. No it would've been torturous. This was just traveling to another dimension or universe. Carlos wasn't in that field of science to figure out the difference. Either way, they were where they wanted to be.

First thing first of their plan was to check out Cecil's house. Location wasn't different so it wasn't that far. The only thing different was that Cecil lived alone. It started to worry him where Carlos' clone... double? No. His doppelganger. He couldn't think of any name for this version of him. Right now they had bigger problems then double Carlos's. They had to find Cecil's doppelganger, Cecil the original?

It was silent on the way to the apartment. Carlos followed Cecil behind, slightly cautiously. He knew better than to trust this Cecil, but he still wanted to trust him. In a way it was still Cecil he knew and love, but not. Either way, he kept his distance of Cecil.

Once the two got there, Cecil opened the door slowly. There was always a chance that a scientist had broken in and hid in the apartment, but it didn't seem so. A red light would've been on if that happened. The only light that was on was the one over the sitting room where there can be a faint dip of blood was on the couch. The lamp on the side table was on the ground with the shattered light bulb. There had seem to be a brawl or some trouble that happened in the house. 

"He's not here." Cecil said in a snap noticing the scene. "He was here, but they took him." He added before heading to the kitchen. It seemed that Cecil had a plan, or he was just hungry. Maybe both as he grabbed the jar of peanut butter and a spoon.

Carlos sighed before taking a seat at the two chaired table. He had a feeling that this happened. Gosh where could he have gone? Cecil in a world that was similar to theirs, but very different. He laid his arms down on the table before resting his head on them.

"Hey, look...I may not be Cecil you wanted, but you are pretty cute." He smirked as he ate a spoonful of peanut butter. That tongue (was it forked?) seemed to make sure to get all the peanut butter off the spoon.

Carlos glared at Cecil at that comment. "No offense, but you tried to kill me with a baseball bat." He went back to staring at the wall.

A shrug came from the red eyed radio host. "Then in that case, we go with a plan. It might be dangerous, someone could die." He joked. "But it's a plan to get you and your boyfriend back home."

Carlos was worried about that joke, but what else did he have to go through? It seemed like the only way out of this mess was to trust Cecil and go save his boyfriend. "Alright." He started off. "What's the plan?" All Carlos hoped was no one was going to die. 

"First we need to get into the building they are keeping your precious lover." Cecil said before walking over to the window and opened the blinds slightly. Off in the distance was a building. Almost every window had a faint yellow tint to it. "StrexMed or what the patients call it, Stress Hell." He laughed. 

So it seemed Strexcorp was actually a business. Did Strexcorp actually take over Night Vale? There were a few buzzing questions in his head, but right now all he needed to focus on was the plan Cecil was telling him. Break into Strexcorp. Yeah that wasn't a suicide mission. All he hoped was that Cecil was alright.

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