Scientifically Fascinating

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The room was silent. Right now that seemed to scare Cecil ever since that day he had woke up. Silence was becoming a friend to Cecil and he truly wished it wasn't. It seemed to lurk more often the  faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home. Though she didn't seem to roam the halls of this building since no one was truly living there, or the owners were able to run her out. No one is truly sure. Silence was just deadlier than the Faceless old woman and Cecil was trapped with it.

He stared up at the ceiling since he was laying down on his back. White. Same as the walls as he turned his head. White. Everything was white. Even the clothes he was changed into were white. The only color that was in the room were his eyes and faint markings on his arms. The slight purple did ease him. Though they were barely showing. It was fear that was hiding them. He didn't blame them for hiding. He would to if he was able to. 

There was a soft knock on the white door that was on the other side of the room. Silence hide and Cecil was glad for that, but he couldn't be too joyful. Who knows what lurked behind the door. Cecil pulled himself up and leaned against the headboard of the bed, staring at the door. Who ever it was, they had forced him here. Forced him in this colorless room. He didn't say anything. He was afraid to until he knew who it was. A click echoed in the room before the door slowly opened.

Carlos. It was Carlos the Scientist, but it wasn't the Carlos he knew. It was the Carlos who drugged him. It wasn't his Carlos. He still had a lab coat, but he wasn't any science pun shirt. He still had a clipboard with numerous papers, but this clipboard didn't have the 'NVCR' sticker that Cecil gave him after their third date. With the same looks, but with a different history and occupation. He wasn't a scientist. He was a doctor. 

"'re awake." Carlos smiled towards Cecil as he walked over to his patient. "I was hoping you wouldn't be. Science sometimes can be painful, yes?" He had placed the clipboard on the small night stand before he pulled out a needle from his pocket that seemed to be connected to a glass vile. "I need some blood work."

The radio host understood that blood work was something doctors would do to get mysterious tests about their patient, but never had he heard about scientists taking blood. Well not on humans anyway. It was always on animals they would take blood for their experiment, or so Carlos would say. The Carlos he knew. He tried his best to squirm away from Carlos and the needle, but he didn't have anywhere to go. He was cornered. He just let Carlos take the blood. He didn't fight back.

There was a sharp pain from the needle piercing the skin of his upper arm. The needle was sucking up blood. It was the normal color. From the needle, down the plastic tube and into the glass vile, the blood traveled. After Carlos was done and the vile was filled, Carlos pulled the needle out and covered the small hole with a band-aid. 

"There. That wasn't so bad, now was it?" Carlos said before pocketing the vile and the needle. Both in different pockets. He would need to throw away that needle. "I will be back in an hour to give you your medicine, so don't you go anyway." He added with a smile before leaving the room. Another click echoed the room showed that the door was locked and he was stuck in the room.

Silence was back once again, so Cecil wasn't really alone. He itched at his arm where the bandaid was now stuck to. His violet eyes glanced down at that bandaid before he tore it off. The hairs on his arm were tugged off by the sticky substance on the bandaid. He balled it up and threw it at the wall. A tear had ran down his cheek as he did so. He missed his Carlos. He missed his  boyfriend.

Carlos had tilted the vile in his hands watching the blood flow back and forth in the glass tube. It wasn't the normal color he had seen from Cecil. No this was red instead of the golden yellow he had seen from him. With the eye color change and now the blood, he was slowly forming a hypothesis that the Cecil in that room wasn't the Cecil he had been testing on. So where was this Cecil he had been testing on?


Author's Note: Oh my Smiling God! This is way too short than I wanted. Less than 800 words. GAH! I'll make it up to you in the next chapter. I promise!

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