Fighting For...

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The burning lights in the room stared down at Cecil and Carlos. It was one way to wake up Carlos. Cecil was still passed out next to his boyfriend. It hurt to see Cecil tied up in a metal chair adjacent to him. His arms were tied behind the chair while his feet were tied to the feet of the chair. Both were unable to move. Either it was from their muscles still trying to wake them up or it was the clear liquid dripping down into a needle attached to their wrist. 

"Ah... Well you're awake." There was a darken smile twisted on the Doctor. Carlos spun a scalpel on his finger. "This makes it so much better. It's always better when my patients are awake."

Waking up was the hardest part of the day, but right now it was the easiest thing. Carlos just glared at his doppelganger. Anger, frustration, and hatred. Oh how he wanted to stop the man in front of him from doing who knows what later. The problem he had was, he was tied up. Though Carlos has seen way too many action movies where the good guy gets captured to figure a way out of his.

"Congrats. You've captured us... What's your big plan now?" He questioned. He wanted to fill that ego of Carlos', if he had one anyway.

That seemed like a big question to answer, and Carlos knew he should answer that. Scientist to Scientist or more so Doctor to Scientist. That seemed to fit him more than a Scientist. He was trying to help his patients. That's what doctor's do, right? Back to the point of what Carlos was thinking.

"You would love to hear them wouldn't you? Let me guess, you'll try to escape while I just talk and talk about world domination or something." He put the scalpel down and walked over to his doppelganger. Tightly, he gripped the other's chin pulling him up to make eye contact. "Listen to me Carlos, you know that everyone in Night Vale isn't sane. No one is. This hell hole is a pit of insanity and violence if you wanted to throw in the Desert Bluffs."

This wasn't what he plan, but he was still talking so he was able to squirm his hands slightly to loosen the rope around his wrists. Just damn! This was taking longer than it does in the movies. Darn you James Bourne.

Carlos had let go of Carlos' chin and turned his back to him. "Look the reason I'm here helping Strexcorp is because it's a family company. They needed more scientists to help out with the amount of patients that have been admitted to the asylum. It's sad really..." He grabbed the knife that laid next to the scalpel before continuing. "how a town this size could go unnoticed by the rest of the world."

Carlos watched his doppelganger walk closer to Cecil, who is still passed out in the chair. The knife in his hand was frightening. Horrible ideas rushed in his head. Right as that knife met Cecil's arm, Carlos yelled. He couldn't watch his boyfriend be tortured and not stop the torturer.

"No! Don't you hurt him! Don't you freaking touch him!" Carlos yelled squirming in the seat. Cecil saw him as a hero, even though he's not, he will try to be a hero to Cecil. He will try his best to protect his boyfriend. The only way Carlos could think of was yelling at the other Carlos to stop him.

Carlos, the one with the knife, turned on his heels to turn his attention to the Carlos, tied up. "What?" There was anger in his voice. The scientist wasn't a fan of being stopped in his experiments, so he was slightly ticked off. His hand was gripping that knife harder as time past. "Oh you want me to test it on you first?" He added as he walked away from Cecil.

It was almost a death glare shooting at Carlos as he saw his doppelganger walking towards him. His shoes clicked on the tile. The only noise that seemed to echo louder than Carlos' heartbeat. He swore it would break out of his chest and drop to the floor. The surgical knife ghosted on his neck. Fear was taking control of the scientist as he tried to lean back into the chair. Slowly the knife traced up his knife and to his cheek.

"It'll be like testing myself." Carlos chuckled pressing the knife harder onto the scientist. "Patient... hmm let's give you number 00-01 testing pain levels." In one quick motion that knife sliced his cheek. Not too deep to do any permanent scaring, but enough for the scientist to scream in agony.

Tears mixed with the blood down the scientist's cheek. Pain seemed to pulse in him. His heartbeat was pounding in his face, almost like his heart was held in his mouth. A sadden glance was shot towards Cecil. A silent 'I"m Sorry' came from Carlos as he saw slight movement from his boyfriend. It seemed like Carlos' cry of pain had woken up the radio host.

"C-Carlos?" Muttered Cecil as he pulled his head up to look what was happening. Carlos had a knife and Carlos was bleeding. No. His Carlos was bleeding. He was still trying to recollect on what happened and how he was tied to the chair.

"Oh look, your boyfriend is awake to watch you be--" Words stopped forming from Carlos after a loud bang from a metal pole hit the man's head. A thud was followed as the man's body plummeted to the tile floor. Slight oozing of a golden color liquid traveled down to the floor.

Cecil jolted, if it was even possible tied in a chair, from the crash of Carlos' body. His eyes drifted up to the attacker. No hero. As his eyes settled upon the 'hero', Cecil wasn't sure if he suppose to be grateful or scared.

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