What the Science?

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Kicked out of the radio station, that was a new one for Cecil. Luckily this wasn't the work of Station Management, but one of the workers. No he wasn't fired. He was just told to stop talking about scientists. He was told multiple times from his argument with Galaxy and the worker at the front desk to drop the conversation about scientist like it was a topic of nonexistence. Almost sounded it was an angel thing, which angels don't exist. Walking from the radio station, he decided to figure out why everyone wasn't talking about scientists for. He swore there were scientists. Heck he was dating one. His boyfriend, Carlos, was a scientist, so they had to exist. Thus, it shall be proven by Cecil that he wasn't losing his mind.

The science district was right next to Big Rico's Pizza. Probably be best to get some pizza later maybe even as a date if Carlos was still at the lab. The couple hadn't had a proper date in a few weeks. He should be, Cecil thought. The sun was still baking the desert community. That leather jacket was now tied around his waist. Way too hot for leather, but gosh there went his outfit. Oh well. He had a bigger problem then fashion.

Part of Cecil didn't want to knock on the door to the lab, but he knew he had to. It was best to knock then just burst in. Last time he did that, Carlos had almost dropped a flask of bright pink liquid on the ground. Probably wouldn't end well, but luckily he caught that. That memory of Cecil's was running low, but he still remembered it well. That caused him to knock on the door. Didn't want any of the scientists to make any unwanted reactions. Science was a delicate hobby or job or both.

Nothing. Silence seemed to be following Cecil today.

Okay, Okay maybe the scientists were in the middle of a very intense science experiment, Cecil thought. He gave it a minute before knocking again. This time slightly harder to produce a louder sound.

The door fell down into the dark, spooky room with a bang.  Cecil was kind of glad it didn't fall towards him. Dust floated from the floor to the air. Cecil was pretty sure he didn't use all his strength to do that. He'll tell Carlos about that later. Right now, he was surprised to see nothing. He grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight. The light bounced off a broken table a few feet in front of him. Dust and cobwebs seem to cover everything like a blanket. It seemed like no one had been there for years. the hinges on the door were completely rusted which explained why the door came down in front of the radio host.

"No No No... This isn't right." Cecil muttered to himself going further into the abandoned lab. He wasn't believing anything he saw in the lab. He couldn't. "Carlos? Carlos are you in here?" He coughed lightly as the dust around the room tickled his nose.

"Anyone?" He called out. He stopped when he heard a rustle of paper a few feet to his left. Hopes rocketed hearing sound. Proof that he wasn't alone. Quickly,  his shined his phone to that direction and jumped slightly.

A family of rats had made a home in a pile of old papers. A disappointing sigh came from Cecil. Those high hopes of his came crashing back to Earth. Not as far as he thought though. He wasn't alone now it seemed. Those rats had helped him get a clue. The papers they were nestled in were scientific notes. Scientists always dated their research. Cautiously, he took one of the papers and read a date. Thirty years ago. No...No this wasn't right. Sure time was funky in Night Vale, but never had it ever skipped thirty years in one day, well if it did no one had recorded it. He was sure that a few months ago scientists had came and took up this place and made it a lab. Backing out of the darken room he headed back to the entrance of the lab. If that paper was correct then this was truly an abandon building like it had been a few months ago.

Something wasn't right and that was pretty much what Cecil's gut was telling him. Either this was a horrible prank on him to scare him or that this was a nightmare. He did say earlier that he wasn't feeling like he was awake. Maybe he should just head home and get some sleep. Escape the abandoned lab building and head home. Yes. That's what Cecil was going to do. Forget about the lab and forget about who he was looking for. Which was...well either way he forgot it.

His home would welcome him like usual. Lights off and left overs in the fridge. He past on that. All he wanted to do right now was flop on his bed and wake up from this nightmare or at least sleep it away. 


Author's Note: Ugh!! Cut short again 800~ words. Oh well. Okay I just wanted to say that there's actually a name to that pink liquid ( I did it in chemistry), but I forgot. Go ask your local...uh well okay just google it if you have a computer license.

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