This is a Horrible Plan

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"This was a horrible plan." Carlos said tugging on his collar. He was dressed like he usually was, but instead of a science pun shirt, it was a collar, button down one. He felt like the collar was choking him.

"Well you had a better idea?" Cecil argued quietly as he walked beside Carlos who was gripping his wrist, too gently to make this look believable. "You grip like a child. I like pain, doc." He smirked up at the scientist.

Carlos rolled his eyes and tightened his grip. It felt weird to harm Cecil, even though it wasn't Cecil, but it is? Wow look a headache was coming on. He ignored that as he headed to the front gates of the building.

First there was static, then a voice who sounded a bit familiar, but no one could figure out who it belong to. "Doctor name and...Patient number." It stated. That meant there was a video camera watching them. Not only did they have to sound professional at the front gate, but also look professional.

Carlos cleared his throat before speaking. "Carlos. Number 72-12." He took a breath after speaking. There were nervous jitters attacking him. Oh how he hoped this was working. If not death would soon be lurking on them.

There was static that covered the silence that lingered, before the voice came back. "We already have Patient 72-12 in quarantine, Carlos." 

Worry covered Carlos in a blanket. This was what he was fearing. "Well check again, but he is standing right next to me." He snapped. Those acting classes were finally paying off.

"Right...Right, sorry Carlos." The voice stuttered before opening the gates for the patient and scientist to walk right in. 

"Alright..." Cecil mumbled softly, only for Carlos to hear. "This is where it gets tricky. Once inside, I won't be able to talk. You'll have to take the stairs on the right. He said quarantine, so that's the third level. Take a left at the stairs and it should be the twelfth door on the left. It should be there. Fingerprint to open the door. Then he--" He was caught off as the two walked in the building.

He wasn't lying. He really couldn't talk in the building. Must be some sort of chip in his brain to disconnect the nerves to stop him from talking. Science thoughts helped calm down Carlos as he followed the instructions to Cecil's room. He kept to himself with Cecil following close behind. Avoid eye contact and any gestures that would strike up a conversation. Not many workers were questioning them on why Carlos was leading up Cecil to the room. Though a few greeted Carlos and he just nodded back. He had a patient, he didn't have time for talk. He was glad for that, because he had zero clue on what to talk about if one did try to.

As they reached the top of the stairs on the third floor, Carlos had forgotten if he should've taken a left or a right. He glanced over at Cecil who was pulling him to the left. He could hear a sigh coming from Cecil who was now almost dragging Carlos to the quarantine room.

They stopped at the door that read "C. Palmer Patient 72-12". Correct room. The scientist pressed his finger on the metallic pad. A slight prick pinched his thumb. Blood test it seemed. With a click the door opened.

"Cecil?" Carlos said softly as he let go of the other Cecil's hand and pushed the door open. Inside was Cecil dressed in all white and ghostly features. Fear had taken over him. Those once violet eyes were turning a light pink. Side effect of the drugs he was being pumped with.

Cecil coward away from the scientist, until he saw a mirror image of him. Just not in all white and with red eyes. That must have been the Cecil, the scientist had talked about earlier.

"Okay this might be weird, but this is your  Carlos, Cecil." Cecil said, the only wearing regular clothes. He needed to break that silence that was forming.

Cecil, the one in fear, looked up at the two. First at Carlos, then at the other Cecil, back at Carlos. "Love?" His voice was weak, but it still had hope. Slowly, he climbed to his feet. He was leaning against the wall. Whatever was in his blood stream was truly stealing his energy.

A nod came from Carlos as he slipped further into the room. "Cece, we need to get out of here."

"You go with Carlos. Switch clothes and get out of here. I have plans on this." Cecil spoke taking off his shirt. "Carlos, turn around." He added. He didn't want the scientist to see his scared body or well his nude body in the first place.

Without having time to agree, Cecil was taking off the white patient uniform and putting on the clothes that the other Cecil had worn in.

After the two changed clothes, Cecil, the one now wearing the patient bracelet and white uniform, pushed the two out of the room.  "Go before I force you out!" He argued and pushed him out.

The two lovers nods and ran out. Carlos took Cecil's hand and ran down the stairs. He knew the way out. Adrenaline was rushing down both of the boy's blood stream.  They could see the door in front of them. The gate to the outside. Out of the corner of Cecil's eye he spotted a moving body. Before Cecil could give out a warning, Carlos was knocked out then just in suit a hard surface connected with Cecil's head knocking him unconscious.

"Well... this will be fun." It was a dark chuckle who had hit the two. "Intern Shawn, Intern Gala. Get those two in my lab, make them...comfortable." It was Carlos. The Carlos from this world. Universe? Dimension? Either way it was Carlos who was standing behind the two unconscious bodies. "Just where is my patient 72-12?" He questioned to himself.

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