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Cecil looked up at the so called hero who was holding a metal pipe in his hands. It was Cecil. Well the Cecil from this dimension. There was a few other people behind him. Friends. No doppelgangers of Cecil's friends. Steve Carlsburg, Maureen, was that Intern Shawn?, and oh glow Abby, and many other townsfolk. They were all wearing the same white outfit Cecil was wearing. All seemed to be covered in both crimson and gold blood. They had gone through war to get to Cecil and Carlos. 

Steve and Dana quickly got to working on untying Cecil and Carlos out of the chairs as Cecil, who seemed to be the leader, gave orders. "Abigail, keep an eye out for anyone coming. Josh help Michelle patch that wound on Carlos... No not the one past out! Maureen--." But before Cecil could bark orders to Maureen she spoke up.

"Cecil... there's... why are there two Cecil's and two Carlos'?" She asked.

There was silence for a moment. Cecil, who hated the silence, ended it quickly. "Carlos and I... the one who's cut, aren't from this I guess..."

"Dimension." Carlos spoke roughly as he finished his boyfriend's sentence. He was about to smile to show he was alright to Cecil, but Michelle told him to quit talking as she tried to patch the wound with a piece of her shirt and tape. It was the best they could do.

"That. Now we need to get going before any workers find us and them here." Cecil stated. Right now he just wanted to get his doppelganger and Carlos out before anything else could help. 

Once Carlos was patched up, he smiled. Cecil, worried, quickly hugged him. A faint regret of doing that since it seemed to be too tight than usual, but his boyfriend was hurt. Neither of them cared. It was a quick hug, because they still weren't out of the building and home.

"Alright... Abigail, get them out of here. I have something I need to do." There was a growing smirk on Cecil's lips. Those red eyes weren't helping his case, but no one wanted to argue with their makeshift leader.

 A nod came from everyone as they left, but Steve stayed with Cecil. He had a feeling on what he was doing, and he wanted to help. Shame on what he did to Janice. Revenge ran through Steve's blood. A horrible and terrifying thing. Memories of Janice ran through the man's mind before he closed the door on everyone else. The only ones left in the room were Cecil, Steve, and the unconscious Carlos.

Cecil and Carlos held hands while following Abby out of the building. They were glad they only ran into four other workers. With the small army they had it didn't take to take them down. Sure blood was now covered Cecil as well, but that's what happen when you are fighting for freedom.

As soon as the double doors at the entrance of the building burst open, sirens wailed across town. Night Vale now knew there were escaped patients running the streets. Abby took charged and told half the group to go the other direction. It might be safer in numbers, but a distraction was going to be needed since Carlos was telling her what was going to happen on how to get back home. His dimension.

Abby, Josh, Cecil, and Carlos ran to the abandon lab next to Big Rico's Pizza. With the sun setting behind them, a chill ran with them. The white outfits weren't made of thick material and unlike Josh who had covered himself in a thick coat of brown fur, they moved faster down the streets. Street lights flickered on behind them. If a light were to cast over them, the secret police would have a higher chance of finding them. A faint neon light illuminated in front of them. They can see it. They can see the abandon lab. Cecil could already see his home, even though it was still an experiment away.

Once they got in the abandoned lab, Carlos went straight to work. There wasn't much to work with since many of the liquids were expired and most of the equipment was broken. Thankfully, Carlos was able to do this part. It was slightly difficult, but he redid the exact mixture he did to travel to this dimension. He took Cecil's hand.

"Ready?" He asked facing his boyfriend. There was a faint smile growing on his features.

Cecil nods, but before he was able to say anything, Josh had interrupted. "I see them!" He yelled at the two love birds.

The two took the two beakers that were filled with the odd drink. The two nod before running full force at the window that watched the parking lot. The two closed their eyes as their bodies shattered the window. With a thud the two hit the catwalk outside the lab. Groans came from Cecil as he found Carlos on top of him. He wasn't sure that this actually worked or not. Carlos, slowly got up to his feet. The window they had jumped out of wasn't shattered. That was just one way how Carlos knew this worked. He laughed and hugged Cecil.

The two made sure they were in their dimension, by looking inside the lab. Lights flickered on when Carlos and Cecil had walked in. Beakers and flasks covered one table, another was covered in goggles, another in other science equipment. This was their dimension. This was their home. Home at last.

"I think we should get some sleep before something happens." Carlos said before walking out of his lab. Cecil agreed. He had a show tomorrow and he hadn't done anything for it. All he wanted right now was some alone time with Carlos.

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