Chapter 6: Sarlacc Pit Showdown

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Jon looked over the the side of the skiff. His eyes were drawn to what he thought was a hole in the ground, until he saw that it was actually a mouth. With teeth. And several tentacle-like appendages, which writhed in the air. This was the Sarlacc.

"That is so creepy," Jon said, shuddering. Lando looked at it, too, and his expression was one of disgust. A gangplank was laid out over the pit. Luke was pushed up on to it. He would be the first to die. But why? Han was the person Jabba was the most angry with. Shouldn't he be the first on the gangplank? Jon didn't want his friend to die. He didn't want his father or Chewie die. And he didn't want to die himself. He looked over at Han. These were quite possibly going to be their final moments together. Jon had so much to tell his father. He wanted to say how grateful he was to have his father back, even if their reunion was so short-lived. He wanted to tell Han about the incident in the dungeon, where the elder Solo had hit the younger one, but that Jon didn't hold it against him. He forgave Han. And, perhaps most importantly of all, Jon needed to tell his father how much he loved him, and how proud he was to call himself Han Solo's son. Would any of it make a difference since Han still couldn't see? Jon decided that it would. He had to do this. Taking a deep breath, Jon readied himself to speak. Then 3-PO began talking.

"Victims of the almighty Sarlacc!" the golden droid's voice rang out from the sail barge. "His Excellency hopes that you will die honorably.  But if any of you wish to beg for mercy, the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas." The nerve of Jabba, pretending to be merciful when his prisoners were about to die.

[Tibi Jedi,] Jabba rumbled. R2 had rolled up to one of the view-ports. If Jon really was going to die right now, at least he could still get one last glimpse of the astro droid.

"3-PO!" Han bellowed. "You tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden...filth, that he'll get no pleasure from us! Right?"

*Right!* Chewie growled in agreement.

"You tell 'em, Dad," said Jon.

"Jabba, this is your last chance," Luke appealed. "Free us...or die." The threat only prompted laughter from Jabba and his cronies on the sail barge. The guards on the skiff, apart from Lando, also laughed.

[Move him into position!] Jabba boomed. Luke was prodded to the end of the gangplank. The Sarlacc looked ravenous at the prospect of being fed. And that's when it happened. Luke turned his head to nod at Lando, who nodded back. Jon couldn't understand what was happening. Han, who was still blind, looked around in confusion. If Jon had been able to see inside the sail barge, he would have seen the look of anticipation Leia had on her face. Back on the skiff, Luke gazed at R2, and saluted. Jon wondered if this was his friend's way of saying goodbye to the little droid. The boy was so preoccupied on this thought, that he didn't see how a hatch opened on the top of R2's dome, and a cylindrical object appeared.

[Put him in!] Jabba ordered from the sail barge. Luke jumped off the gangplank. For a moment, it appeared as if he's thrown himself to the Sarlacc. But he'd actually used the plank to launch into the air, doing a backflip. The cylinder flew out of R2, spinning through the sky. Luke deftly caught it just as he landed on the deck. Jon realized that this object was Luke's new lightsaber. The Jedi ignited his weapon. This new one had a green blade, whereas the old one, which Luke had lost on Bespin last year, was blue. Jon had never seen a green lightsaber before. He didn't even know those existed. But it impressed him nonetheless.

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