Chapter 7: Back to the Falcon

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When the skiff had flown a safe enough distance away from the wreckage of Jabba's sail barge, Jon turned to face his family. He took particular notice of Han and Leia. Throughout this day, there had been so many moments where Jon thought he'd loose both his father and his mother. But everyone was fine now. He ran up to Leia, and hugged her.

"I'm so glad you're safe," he whispered into his mother's ear. "But how did you get away from Jabba?"

"Oh, have I got a story to tell you," said Leia. "But it can wait until we get back to the Falcon."

"Ok," said Jon. "Hey, Dad, how are you doing?" Han turned at the sound of his son's voice.

"Well, my headache's gone," said Han.

"And your eyesight?" asked Leia. Instead of answering her, Han blinked rapidly several times. When he stopped, his mouth dropped open.

"I-I can see again," Han said in amazement and wonder.

"Really, Dad?" asked Jon. "You're being serious, right?"

"Yes, I am," said Han. "I can see everything again. Now, come here, you." Han pulled Jon in for a hug. And in that moment, Jon felt happier than he'd had in a very long time. He was once again in his father's arms, feeling safe and secure.

"I know I said this after you were thawed out of the Carbonite, but I've really missed you, Dad," said Jon. "And now I'm just so happy you can see again!"

"Me, too, Jon," Han agreed. "It's all right. It's all right. I'm here. I'm here. Now, let me get a good look at you." Han looked at his son, taking in how Jon was taller than from a year ago, and also how his hair had darkened.

"Well, well, well," Han appraised. "Look at you. More and more, the resemblance between us is becoming stronger.  Hey, wait a minute. That's my jacket."

"Yeah, it is, Dad," said Jon. "I've kept it since Bespin. Uh, you can have it back if you want." He began to remove the jacket, but Han held up both hands to stop him.

"Oh, no, son," said Han. "That's all right.  You can keep it, because it suits you."

"Uh, ok, Dad," Jon said, a little uncertainly. "Thanks."

"Leia, what are you wearing?" Han asked, looking over his shoulder. Jon turned. In reconnecting with his father, he'd temporarily forgotten that Leia was still in that gold bikini. But seeing it again still upset him.

"This?" asked Leia. "It was a 'gift' from Jabba." She framed the word "gift" in air quotes.

"Jabba made you one of his slaves, didn't he?" asked Han. "What else did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Because if he did, I swear he'll pay."

"Well, I had been meaning to save this story for our return to the Falcon, but I suppose now is as good a time as any," said Leia. "Oh, don't worry about Jabba. He won't be able to bother us anymore. Because he's dead. I killed him."

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now