Chapter 21: Into the Trap

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The interior of the bunker was very dark. Jon's eyes took a moment to adjust after the brightness of the forest.

"Wow! It's so much bigger on the inside!" Jon marveled. "Does anyone know where we have to go? I mean, where is the actual shield generator?"

"Come on, Jon," said Han. "Did you really expect  the shield generator to just be waiting for us as soon as we walked in the door? They keep these things in special control rooms."

"Well, how are we supposed to get to this control room, Dad?" asked Jon.

"I'm working on it," said Leia. She again looked at the scanner, which now displayed a map of the bunker's maze of corridors. "We've got a ways to go."

"Do you think we'll run into any guards, Scout Troopers or Stormtroopers?" asked Jon.

"I couldn't tell you, son," said Han. "But if we do, I'll be ready for them."

"Me, too," said Jon, patting his training blaster. "I may not be able to actually kill anyone with this thing, but it still packs a wallop."

"You've never killed anyone, Jon," said Han.

"Actually, he has," said Leia. "Last year on Bespin, as we were escaping after loosing you, Lando gave Jon a real blaster. And he used it to kill several Stormtroopers."

"Don't start that again, Mom," said Jon. "That's all they were-Stormtroopers. So, it doesn't really count. And I was only doing it to protect me, you, Chewie, Lando and the droids."

"And that's good, son," said Han "I've always taught you to protect and defend yourself."

"Yeah, Dad, I know," said Jon. "And I have another thought. Sure, I'm not in an X-wing, but I'm helping to take down the second Death Star. I guess that kinda makes me like Luke when he destroyed the first one."

"I hope Shara will be ok," said Kes. "As well as Norra, Wedge, Lando and all the other pilots."

"I'm sure they will be, Kes," said Jon.

The group advanced through corridor after corridor. Jon's heart beat fiercely  in his chest from mounting anticipation. They didn't encounter any Imperials in the three corridors. Han blasted open the the door of the fourth one, where the shield generator was housed. That's when things started to change. Imperials sitting at the monitoring stations stood up as the  group of Rebels entered.

"All right! Up!" Han commanded. "Move! Come on! Quickly! Quickly! Chewie." The Wookiee backed a trio of Imperials into a corner.

"This here Wookiee is usually pretty calm and friendly," said Jon. "But I'd advise staying clear of his bad side."

"Han, hurry!" Leia urged. "The fleet will be here any moment!"

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now