Chapter 18: Story Time

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"Ow!" Jon cried out. The pain of his broken rib had returned-with a vengeance.

"We'd better get that rib of yours looked at," said Leia.

"Leia, how?" asked Han. "These little fur-balls are cute and all, but they don't look like they have a lot of medical knowledge, especially when it comes to treating a fourteen-year-old human boy's broken rib. Besides, I don't have a med-scanner or any other supplies with me. I forgot to bring them."

"I have medical supplies, Han," said Luke. "After Jon broke his rib, I was about to start helping him, but then the Ewoks caught us."

"I've got my own med-pack, too," said Leia. "It's in that hut over there. Follow me." Leia headed off towards the hut she'd indicated. Jon, Han, Chewie, Luke and a crowd of curious Ewoks trailed behind her. The interior of the hut was small and sparsely decorated. Instead of a bed or a cot, a sleeping roll was lain across the floor in the center of the hut.

"Lie down there, Jon," said Leia. He did as he was told.

"What happened to your poncho?" Leia asked, noticing the stain for the first time. "That's not blood is it?"

"No, Mom, it's actually puke," Jon replied. "On the way here, I threw up because of the pain." Leia dug through her med-pack until she found a pair of scissors, which she used to cut through both Jon's poncho, and the shirt underneath it.

"Don't worry, Jon," said Leia. "I can get the Ewoks to make new clothes for you."

"Is that where you got this dress from, Mom?" asked Jon.

"Why, yes, it is, Jon," said Leia. "The Ewoks also brushed and styled my hair for me. Do you like it?"

"I love it!" Jon said happily. "You look like a princess from the holo-vids I used to watch and the stories Dad would read to me when I was little. Of course, you actually are a princess." This caused Leia to laugh.

"Now," she said, "which rib is broken?"

"This one," said Jon, pointing at his left side.

"And where did all these cuts and bruises come from?" asked Leia.

"Um, those actually did happen when I jumped from the speeder bike," said Jon.

"I'll need to clean those cuts," said Leia. "Because we wouldn't want them to become infected." She dug through her med-pack again, this time pulling out a med-scanner, bandages, disinfectant spay and a thermometer. Leia passed the med-scanner over Jon's midsection. It beeped immediately, indicating his broken rib.

"The best I can do for you right now, Jon, is bind up your ribs with these bandages," said Leia. "I also don't think it would hurt if I checked your temperature, too. She held up the thermometer. "And of course, I really need to clean those cuts. Now, sit up."

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now