Chapter 10: Goodbye, Dad

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Jon entered Han's room. He found his father lying in bed, and sat down on a chair beside him. The oxygen tube, sensor pads, I.V. tubes and blood pressure cuff been removed from Han's body. He looked like he was sleeping. Jon wanted to shake him awake, and tell him to stop playing around-stop scaring him. But Jon knew better. His father was dead. And Jon wasn't dreaming. Because the pain he was feeling hurt too much. Was too real

"Hey, Dad," said Jon. "I don't know if you can hear me, but there are a few things I just gotta say. Remember when I was ten, and asked you if you were gonna die? You told me, yes, eventually. But also that you were sure it wouldn't happen until you were old and gray, and I was all grown up. Well, four years later, your hair is still as brown as dirt, Dad, and I'm only fourteen. But I guess I'm gonna have to grow up pretty fast now. Dad, you never knew your own father. While you never really talked about it, I could tell how much it affected you. For fourteen years, though, I had you. You had me. We had each Chewie. And later on, Mom, Luke, Lando and the droids. You may not have been the perfect father. Hell, you never even claimed to be a perfect person. But to me, you were the best father I could have asked for. The times we had together will stay with me for the rest of my life. I'm a better person for having known you. And I just know you'd say the same thing about me. My own eventual children-your grandchildren- may never get a chance to actually meet you, Dad. But they'll know who you were, and everything about you. I'll make sure of it. Your memory and legacy will live on. Also, I'm gonna work really hard to become the type of man you'd be proud of. Hey, the Falcon's mine now, right? Me and Chewie will take good care of her. And you know what else? I asked Mom if she would officially adopt me, and she said yes! With her, Chewie, Luke, Lando and everyone else, I'll be well taken care of. Of course, I'm gonna miss you."

Jon looked up at the chrono on the wall. About five minutes had passed since he'd come into Han's room. That seemed like enough time. Besides, he'd promised Leia he wouldn't take too long. With a deep breath, he stood up from the chair.

"Dad, I gotta get going," said Jon. "Mom, Chewie, Lando and a few others in be in soon. Luke still isn't back yet. But we'll have to tell him about your death. And he'll definitely be devastated. Oh, one more thing. Dad, I love you."

Jon turned from the bed, heading for the door. He was unaware of what had happened at that moment. Han opened his eyes. He was dazed, but otherwise breathing. He gasped as he caught his breath, then nodded. Jon, his back still turned, and his hand hovering above the door's control panel, frowned. He was imagining things, surely. He turned back around, finding Han...awake...and...alive! Jon rushed back to his father's side, hugging him tightly.

"I thought I'd lost you, sir!" Jon exclaimed. Han returned the hug, patting his son on the back.

"I thought you had too, boy," he replied.

End of Chapter 10.

Author's Notes:

1.) Come on, people. Did any of you honestly think I'd actually kill off Han Solo? (Well, prior to The Force Awakens, that is.)

2.) The last two lines of this chapter are a sort of role-reversed homage to my favorite scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, which as I've said time and time again, is my favorite Indy movie. In that movie, Sean Connery's character, Henry Jones Sr., hugs Indy and goes "I thought I'd lost you, boy!" to which Indy replies by saying "I thought you had too, sir" after it's revealed that Indy survived when the tank fell off the cliff.

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