Chapter 23: Death Star Down and Leia's News

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Jon and Han heard footsteps from behind. They turned to see Chewie running up to join them.

"Hey, Chewie," said Jon. "Good to see you. But where did Kes go?"

*I sent him and the rest of the team ahead to find Leia and the droids,* Chewie replied. *We'll meet them there. And they're also keeping an eye out for any remaining Imperials."

"I guess we should be doing the same," said Jon. He reach to grab his training blaster, but doing so caused him to yelp out in pain.

"Oh, droyk," Han groaned, using a Corellian expletive. "I forgot about your rib. Unless...please don't tell me you broke another one." Jon patted his midsection.

"Nope, it's the same one as before," he said. "And I probably just bruised it. Still hurts like Hell, though."

"And I left the medical supplies with your mother," said Han. "All I've got  is this canteen of water." He held up his canteen.

"Well, give me that, Dad!" Jon snapped. "I'm thirsty!" He snatched up the canteen from his father, and began drinking.

"Woah, slow down, Jon!" Han cautioned. "You're gonna make yourself sick!"

"Well, that makes me feel a lot better," Jon said when he'd drunk his fill. "Here you go, Dad." He handed the canteen back to Han. It was empty.

"And you didn't even bother to leave any water for me," Han complained. "That's real nice, son."

"Whoops!" Sorry, Dad," Jon said, feigning apology.

*Here, Cub. You can take my canteen,* said Chewie. He handed his canteen to Han, who took a quick swig of water.

"Thanks, Chewie," Han said, handing the canteen back to the Wookiee. "Glad to see someone around here cares about me."

"Whatever, Dad," Jon scoffed with a roll of his eyes. Then he winced and grunted as another spasm of pain hit him. Han grabbed his arms to steady him before he fell.

"Oh, boy," Han muttered. "Hey, Jon, are you ok?" he asked aloud. "Like, will you be able to make it back to Leia and the droids."

"Yeah, sure," said Jon. "I'll be fine, Dad."

"Well, ok. Let's keep moving then," said Han. He, Jon and Chewie trudged on through the forest. The walking helped Jon keep his mind off the pain. But he knew his injuries would have to be looked at by a proper doctor sooner or later. Distant sounds of the Ewoks attacking the Imperials that remained reached the ears of the group. Jon wanted to help, but he couldn't see them. Besides, getting back to Leia and the droids was the most important thing right now. Instead, Jon looked up. He'd known the Death Star had been orbiting above the forest moon of Endor since before he and the others had gotten there. But he'd avoided looking at it all this time. Now, though, he did. With hopefully only a matter of time before the monstrous battle station was destroyed, Jon couldn't help wondering how the space battle was going. He imagined that when Lando, Wedge, Shara, Norra and the other pilots returned,  they'd have plenty of stories to tell. In turn, Jon, himself, plus Han and Leia, had plenty of stories of their ownf their own to tell. And so would Luke, whenever he returned from fighting Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. Jon also planed to ask Luke why, exactly, he had to face Vader and the Emperor in the first place. This was the part that he just didn't understand. But then a horrible thought occurred to Jon. What if Luke never made it back?  He'd already lost his hand to Vader on Bespin last year. What if Vader took his revenge on Luke, by killing him? And who knew what Palpatine would do? Jon tried not to concentrate on those thoughts. instead focusing on how his life would change after the Empire was destroyed. What would become of the Rebellion? People like Leia and Mon Mothma wanted to rebuild the Republic, a government Jon had never known, and Han only just barely remembered. But this would be a New Republic, one that would allow Jon to become whatever he wanted to be. Well, Jon already knew what he wanted to be-a pilot-just like his father.

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