Chapter 19: A Dream Meeting

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Moments after falling asleep, found himself in a green field. It was very bright, although Jon couldn't seem to find a sun in the sky. Where was he? And how had he gotten here? He began to walk around. It was beautiful, peaceful and calm in this place. While that should have comforted Jon, it actually really confused him. He had to find answers, and the sooner that happened, the better.

Up ahead, Jon saw a bench. Someone was sitting upon it. Getting closer, he realized it was a young woman, who looked only a few years older than he was. She had on simple white clothes. When she raised her head, Jon saw that she had blonde hair similar to his, and green eyes.

"Hi," said Jon.

"Hello," greeted the young woman.

"Listen," said Jon. "My name is..."

"Jonathan Jacen Solo," the girl finished for him. He gaped at her.

"Y-yes, that's right," Jon stammered. "B-but how did you know? H-have we ever met before?"

"Yes, we have," said the woman. "Fourteen years ago. And you sure have grown a lot since then. But to me, you'll always be my little baby boy." Jon inhaled sharply.

"You're Crescentia Montressor!" he exclaimed as he exhaled. "My mother! Well, I mean, my birth mother. But-but you're dead! You died after giving birth to me! Wait a minute. Am I dead? Is this the afterlife?"

A million more questions rushed through Jon's mind. If he was dead, was it because of his broken rib? Had the shock from that injury killed him in his sleep? Back on Endor, were Han and Leia waking up and coming into the hut only to find Jon's lifeless body? Were they desperately attempting to revive him, only to have their efforts fail, and realize that they lost their son forever?

"No, you aren't dead, Jon," said Crescentia. "And this isn't the afterlife. You're only having a dream."

"But I don't remember ever dreaming about you before," said Jon.

"You did once before," said Crescentia. "You were ten-years-old at the time. And you'd gotten sick because of the Spice your father had been hauling for Jabba the Hutt."

"Yeah, I remember getting sick," Jon said, after thinking about it for a moment. "And when I recovered, Dad told me that I'd cried out for "Mom." But I don't remember anything specific about those offense, Crescentia."

"Jon, please. It's ok. You can call me 'Mom'," said Crescentia.

"Thanks, but I'd rather not," said Jon. "Because if I cal you "Mom", I feel like I'd be betraying Leia. Um, that's Leia Organa, the last princess of Alderaan. And she and Dad have like...a...thing. Also, I um, I see Leia as my mother. Like, I call her 'Mom' and everything."

"Oh, I know," said Crescentia.

"Yeah, how do you know all of this?" asked Jon.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now