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Jon took out his flashlight, and turned it on to help him and Luke to see their way in the dark. They also kept very close to each other. Luke was able to use the Force to sense and detect things that Jon would have otherwise missed on his own.

"Luke, can we stop?" Jon asked suddenly.

"Why?" asked Luke.

"Because I gotta pee!" Jon exclaimed.

"Really?!" Luke asked in exasperation. "Can't it wait until you're back on the Falcon or something?"

"No, it can't," Jon replied. "But I'll be really quick! I promise!"

"Ok, fine, go," said Luke.

"Thanks!" Jon said quickly before he dashed off behind a tree to do his business. He returned to Luke a few minutes later.

"Ok, I'm back. And I feel a lot better now," said Jon.

"That's great," said Luke. "Now, keep moving, Jon."

"Do you need to go too, Luke?" asked Jon.

"No," said Luke.

"Ok," said Jon. They continued walking, looking up as A-wings flew overhead. Then the fireworks started, lighting up the sky in all their brilliance. Jon really liked looking at them, but Luke was right; the really needed to get back to everyone else. On the way, they spotted smaller groups of Ewoks celebrating with bonfires and singing. The entire forest moon of Endor had turned into a party zone.

"I know we just spent all this time talking about your father, Luke," said Jon. "But now, I wanna talk about mine."

"What about Han?" asked Luke. "Is he all right?"

"Oh, yeah. He's fine," answered Jon. "It's just that before I left to find you, I had a dream about him. He died in it. But it wasn't a sad dream. And Dad wasn't murdered or anything. He just died because he was old. Then you and Mom died sometime later. In the dream, I saw people I've never seen before. Was I dreaming about the future? I figured I'd ask you, Luke, because aren't Jedi able to see the future?"

"Yes, we can," said Luke. "But as Yoda was fond of saying, always in motion is the future. And you just had a dream, Jon. So, things may turn out to be very different in real life."

"I know," said Jon. "But thanks for your help, anyway, Luke."

"You're welcome, Jon," said Luke. They had finally arrived back at the village. The mood there was just as festive as it was on the rest of Endor. And many more people had  joined those who were already there. Jon saw Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma and General Madine, among others. Leia had changed back into the dress the Ewoks had given her, and her hair was down again. She was the first to notice Jon and Luke's return, and she alerted Han, who had just finished hugging Lando.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now