Chapter 12: Rebel Briefing

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Upon waking the next morning, Jon went to use the 'fresher before going into the Falcon's dining area. Leia was preparing breakfast, and Chewie was setting the table. Jon waited until he was done before taking a seat.

"Morning, Uncle Chewie," said Jon. "Good morning, Mom."

*Hello, Jon,* woofed Chewie.

"Good morning, Jon," said Leia as she served her son his breakfast. "How are you?"

"I'm good," said Jon. "How was Dad last night? Was he ok? He didn't have any problems, did he?"

"Oh, no," Leia answered. "He was fine last night. And also this morning when he woke up."

"Well, that's good," said Jon. "But where is Dad, anyway?"

"He got called into a meeting with General Madine while you were still sleeping," said Leia. "Doctor Edoc also wanted to see him for a quick checkup. I'm hoping he'll be back soon."

"Dad has to meet with Madine?" questioned Jon. "Even after everything we've told him about that jerk? Why?"

"Duty calls, Jon," Leia said simply. After that, she, Jon and Chewie quickly ate their breakfast in silence. Jon then helped his mother clear the table and wash the dishes.

"Go brush your teeth and get dressed, Jon," Leia told him when they'd finished. "Then we'll do your lessons until Dad gets back."

"Ok. Sure, Mom," said Jon. He headed off to his 'fresher to brush his teeth. Then he got dressed. He put on a white shirt, grey pants and his blue jacket. When he went out into the lounge, he found that Leia had gotten dressed, too. She was wearing an olive-green shirt, and sky-blue pants with yellow stripes, which reminded Jon of the blood stripes on some of Han's pants. Leia's hair was also styled into braids.

"You look good, Mom," said Jon.

"Thank you, Sweetheart," said Leia.

"So, what are my lessons for today?" asked Jon.

"Same as always," answered Leia. That meant Jon did reading, math, history and science. Then Leia would quiz him. He was in the middle of a math test when he heard the sound of footsteps walking up the Falcon's ramp.

"Jon?! Leia?! Chewie!" came the sound of Han's voice. "I'm back! Where are you guys?!"

"It's Dad!" Jon exclaimed. "Can I go say hi to him?"

"Of course," said Leia. "But don't take too long. Because you still have this test to finish."

"Ok," said Jon. Han showed up in the lounge at that moment. "Dad!" Jon cried as he ran up to hug his father.

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