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Okay, this chapter is *finally* up. Sorry for the wait you guys! Other than that, I don't have anything to say here, so on to the review responses!

Reviews from Dirty Laundry Fight

KOTLCKeefe: Aww, thanks! And I love the idea of them not worrying about the Neverseen too. That's part of why I chose to write a human AU. And don't worry-I'm not pushing myself too hard. 

swimmingthrougbooks: Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me! ^^

fandomqueen81: Thank you! And I know exactly how you feel about Nightfall-I'm going to go insane! And here's the update you asked for. I hope you enjoy it!

Vivaldi26: I know, I'm tempted to rush things because I want them to kiss as well! I've planned out their first kiss scene, so don't worry. It'll come eventually! But I hope it's worth the wait!

iamthewolf5: Yeah, I know. No kisses. Eventually there will be kisses and romance and things like that, but I want to build up there relationship a bit more. And here's that update. I know it's taken forever! I'll try to make the future updates quicker.

snowflake0630: Thanks! And here's the update you wanted. I know that I took forever, and I'm sorry! I've had some stuff going on, but hopefully the future updates will be quicker!

Reviews from Author's Note:

Im-professional-: Thank you so much. Really, reviews like that boost my mood so much, and just knowing that I have people here who will stick with me and my stories-through the good moments and the not so good moments-really makes me smile. Thank you again!

sophie1foster: Well thank you a bunch. Your review really meant a lot to me, and I just want you to know that your review really helps. It's just comforting to know that people on here know what I'm going through, and choose to help, even if it's just by leaving a review that will really brighten my day. It really is amazing. Thank's for sticking around through the updates that take forever!

fandomqueen81: I'm running out of ways to say thank you to all the wonderful reviewers, but just know that I'm working on getting better, and having someone here who supports me through it really makes me a lot happier. So thanks a million!

So, now that I've responded to all my lovely reviews, on with the story!

"You are a lifesaver." My boss, Jason, said as I walked into Veloce Beauditine. It wasn't the fanciest restaurant I'd ever been too, but it was a sit down, and not fast food. I was a waiter, mostly because I couldn't cook for the life of me. "I owe you one." Jason added, pulling me in for a hug. Jason was in his late twenties, with dark skin and messy curly black hair that reached just past his ears. He had a slight Italian accent from the vacation he spent in Italy this summer. He had a wife named Julie, and a three year old daughter named Harmony. Me and Jason had formed a friendship over the two years I had worked here. I sometimes babysat Minnie (My nickname for Harmony). He had turned into a close friend for me, and he was always there when I needed advice. Even my friends had met him, through they weren't as close as we were.

"Really, I owe you." Jason added with a grateful smile. I grinned as he held out the normal uniform. It was nothing special; just a beige dress with a frilly white apron.

"I know. You're just lucky that I could actually cancel my plans. And you do owe me, and I will find a good way for you to pay that debt." I said as I walked into the 'employee's only' room. I slipped into the bathroom, quickly changing my normal clothes for one of the uniforms. As I finished changing, i went out back to the room and signed in, watching the other employes passing by, getting supplies or going to the bathroom or something. It was always crowded here, and a part of me was glad. No one seemed to notice me, or care about me. In a way, that was comforting. At my school, I stood out as the nerdy outcast girl. Here, I was just another waiter doing her job.

It's Hard to say I Love you. *A KOTLC Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now