Idk what to call this one. Go easy on me. I'm tired.

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Alright! Sorry about the chapter title. I'm probably gonna change that once I get an idea, but I'm somewhat sleep deprived right now cause of my nocturnal schedule.

Also, apparently Wattcon tickets are out. Any of you going? I really wish I could, but I don't got that kind of money D: But if any of you guys are, I hope you'll tell me how it goes!

I always loved showers. I'm not sure exactly why, it's just one of those quirks about me. The hot water running down my back is just soothing. And those moments after you dry yourself off, where you feel so completely refreshed are just amazing.

My showers are my time to mull over things, without worrying about anything else. Not my schoolwork, or my friends, or anything like that. I can just think.

I inhaled the steam from the warm water as my mind cleared, as if the water wiped my mind clean as well as my body. All the buzzing thoughts that ran around my head all the time calmed. Once they were all wiped away, the thing left on my mind was Keefe. I couldn't figure him out.

I had researched him. Call it stalkerish if you want, but I was just curious about who he was. And the results were... interesting. The Keefe I knew was goofy, and mischievous, and funny, and lighthearted. There was always a twinkle in his ice-blue eyes.

But when I saw then interviews with his parents, or the shots paparazzi took, I just couldn't see it. He laughed and smiled, but something about him was just completely devoid of emotion. Like he wasn't really there. It was just very interesting. I thought back to our previous interactions, watching memories playing out in my head.

Keefe, trying to hide the fact that he and his parents were famous.

Keefe, at the mall, telling me his parents didn't support his love for painting.

Keefe, at school, walking down the hallway with me, telling me his parents were boring.

I wasn't sure what it all meant. It was too confusing for me to decipher myself. Maybe Biana could help me. She was very good at speaking "The Language of Boy". Then again, if I go to her about this, she would accuse me of being obsessive over a schoolgirl crush.

I could always try Dex and Fitz? But I'm pretty sure they would give me the third, "Reasons why you Should not Date Keefe" speech.

Maybe Mom? But if I told her, she might tell Grady, who most likely would not be happy about me asking about Keefe, giving his overprotective nature towards me.

Della? That might work. I'm very close towards the Vackers, even the adults. Della is good at talking about this kind of stuff. I felt myself relax as I came to the solution. Della is the perfect woman to talk too.

I finished the shower, a smile on my face as I felt the conditioner out of my hair, happy that I was no longer covered head-to-two in orange juice.

I turned off the water, letting myself stand there for a few seconds before grabbing the fluffy black towel off the wall next to me, and wrapping myself in it, drying the droplets of water from my body.

I grabbed my watch from the counter by the sink, glancing at the time. Shoot, I only had 20 minutes to get to my math class. I actually considered skipping it, It wasn't such a big deal, considering that I'm very far ahead of the material we're on. But I knew I was way to much of a goody-two-shoes to actually do it.

I quickly finished drying myself, wrapping my still wet hair into a messy bun to keep it out of my face. I started to get dressed, before I realized that I didn't have any clean clothes. The ones I wore before were still covered in orange juice. I grumbled, before slipping out of the bathroom, grabbing one of Dex's Batman shirt and a pair of sweats. They were too big for me, and hung off my body, but i was in too much of a rush to really care.

It's Hard to say I Love you. *A KOTLC Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now