Dirty Laundry Fight

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Hey guys! I'm back! Anyway, WHO'S EXCITED FOR NIGHTFALL! I'M EXCITED FOR NIGHTFALL! WOOOHOOOO!!!! IT'S GONNA BE 800 PAGES! IT'S ONLY 47 DAYS AWAY! (AS you can see, I'm slowly spiraling into insanity.) Anyway, I have nothing else to say here, so I'm just gonna answer all the reviews!

BunnyBeHappy: Aww, thanks! Your reviews always brighten up my day!

Shysunflower: Thank you! But I do have to admit, I have never been it In-N-Out, I only included it in the story because I know it is Shannon Messenger's favorite, and I wanted this too feel almost as if she is writing it.

Fandomqueen81: Thanks a bunch! You telling me I'm a great writer really makes my day better!

Anyway, that is all the reviews, so lets get on with the story!

I was wondering exactly what events in my life led up to that moment. How exactly did I end up in an In-N-Out burger restaurant, my head in my hands, with my best friend reading over my very personal and private texts? The very texts I sent to the person she want's me to get married to! Not to mention the looks that Dex and Fitz were giving me. The looks that seemed to say 'I'm disappointed that you were texting him while we were talking, but I'm not overly surprised."

Suddenly, Biana raised an eyebrow "'But really, If we ever bump into each other again (Hopefully not so literally this time. Although, I did find the look of terror on your face a tiny bit amusing right before I caught you). Feel free to follow me to my dorm. It gets lonely.'" Biana read aloud, sounding giddy. I buried my head deeper into my hands. "Sophie! First off all, this so cute! You two are totally meant to be together! He just gave you a free pass into his life, whenever you want! That is just adorable!" I opened my mouth to reply, but bina cut me off before I could. "Second" She continued, sounding even more giddy than she was just a second ago. "He caught you when you fell? Why didn't you tell me? Oh my gosh, That is so romantic! He is totally your soulmate!"

"Biana." I gumbled. "This is NOT a movie! Me and Keefe are NOT a cliche movie couple!" Biana grinned.

"But you could be."

"But we aren't."

"But you could be!"

"But we aren't!"


"Okay, that's enough of the argueing like 3-year-olds!" Dex interrupted. Biana pouted, but didn't argue any more. Suddenly, my phone buzzed again. Biana grinned as she looked down to see what it was.

"Guess who?" She said, in a sing-song voice.

I perked up. "What did he say?" I asked, not sure why I was so giddy.

Biana raised an eyebrow. "You sound excited." She noted. I glared at her. "Okay, fine. He said: 'Sophie'" She slipped into a deep voice, trying (And failing) to mimic Keefe. "'You are the love of my life. From the moment I met you I knew that you were my one-and-only tru-'" I threw a fry at her. "Fineeeee. He really is just asking if you're still here. A second later, my phone dinged yet again "And now he's asking if you're dead. With one of those skull emojis." A smile tugged at my lips. His pettiness was amusing.

I held out my hand. "Here. Gimmie." Biana reluctantly handed my phone over. I looked down. Keefe had, in fact sent me a text asking if I was dead.

No. I typed. My friends caught me. If I don't contact you within an hour, they've throttled me. I presses sent and then I put the phone away.

"Look" I said to my friends "He texted me, and I didn't want to ignore him. But I shouldn't've texted him while we were talking. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry." Fitz said. "Just make sure to tell us the next time you guys decide to start flirting." I blushed madly.

It's Hard to say I Love you. *A KOTLC Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now