Horse Wedding and Road Trips

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*Dances into the room flinging confetti everywhere*


*Does a summer salt*


*Pops one of those party popper things*


*Shovels Mallowment aggressively into my mouth*


*Jazz hands*

Enjoy this chapter as my reverse birthday gift.

"We're moving to Australia."

"I'll get the passports and fake IDs. I assume we'll both need to create a separate identity?" Biana said, not even looking up from her book.

Collapsing on her bed so my head was in her lap, I nodded. "I think I want to be named Eleanor Valdez."

Still completely focused on her reading, she said "Nice to meet you, Eleanor Valdez, I'm Mara Blackwood. Will this move require a drastic change in appearance, or can we just change our hair and call it good?"

"Nothing too big. I think I'd look good as a redhead, don't you? Kinda like a Weasley." I twirled a lock of my hair around my finger, trying to imagine how it'd look.

Biana finally looked up from her book, face lighting up at the idea of a makeover. "You would look amazing as a redhead! Oh, and we could cut your hair, maybe just above your shoulder so it frames your face... The contrast would be wonderful! Red is truly your colour, it would bring out the gold in your eyes... Yes! Oh, I'm so excited! When are we moving?" Her hands were running through my hair as she spoke, her tone getting progressively more enthusiastic as she went on.

One of the many things I love about Biana is her blind loyalty. I could call her at 3:00 A.M., tell her I've killed somebody, and she would bring a body bag and ask no questions.

"As soon as you can get those fake IDs."

She hummed thoughtfully, still stroking my hair. "That'll take a few days. In the meantime, you wanna tell me what's really going on?"

I thought about that for a minute, before responding, "No, not really."

"You can't just run away from your feelings, Cariño."

"You're really milking those Spanish lessons for all you can get, huh?"

"Okay," Biana huffed, "first of all, I want to learn more about my culture! Second, don't change the subject here."

Sighing, I closed my eyes, still sprawled on the bed with my head in her lap, Biana's fingers soothingly stroking my hair. "But it's easier to just... move to Australia, adopt a new name, and leave all my feelings here. I don't know how to deal with emotions. So I'm not going to. Problem solved, we all can live happily ever after and skip off into the rainbow."

I couldn't tell if the sound Biana made was a chuckle or a coo as she responded, "Oh, honey, but what happens when you find a guy in Australia and fall in love again? Would we run away to Mexico this time?"

"I never said this was about Keefe."

"You're just that obvious when talking about your crushes."

"Am not." I mumbled.

"Are too."

"I'mma fight you behind an abandoned Wendy's, you know that?"

"Looking forward to it. But you can't run away from your feelings forever, you know!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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It's Hard to say I Love you. *A KOTLC Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now