Author's note #2

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Hello again! So, this isn't a chapter, it's just an A/N. I know, I'm sorry. I haven't updated in a while, I'm just having some serious writers block, and I've been busy. And that's why I'm thinking of putting this story on hiatus. 

I know, I know, I hate it when authors do that, but sometimes you have to. When I get writers block, it helps me to back away from trying to force myself to write, and just think. Then, when I get back to my story, I have a clear mind and a bunch of new Ideas! I mean, I've tried to push myself and force myself to write, but the story just comes out really boring and bad, so I'm trying this instead.

The other reason I'm putting this story on hold for a little while is because I'm really stressed out recently. I've got lodes of schoolwork to do, a fan fiction to write, chores at home, and therapy sessions to go to, and it's really taking a toll on me. 

Yeah, so I'm really sorry, but I have to just step back and take a breath for a while. It should last about a month, give or take. Like I said before, I just need to take some time for myself. 

I'm so sorry! But you guys are literally the best audience I could ever ask for. i know that's sappy, and to be honest, I'm terrible at the whole 'Saying thank you with so many emotions to the people who have supported you' thing, so I'm just gonna leave it at: Thank you so much. You're the best!

Also: This is unrelated, BUT I GOT NIGHTFALL! Well, I got it two days ago, but same thing. I flew through it, and I really liked it. (I pulled an all-nighter the day it came out so I could finish it.) 

So now, I want to know if you guys would be okay with me putting spoilers for Nightfall in this story. I know that this story is realistic fiction, so I won't be giving away the adventures that they had or anything like that. It would more be me introducing characters that were first shown in Nightfall. I want to know if you guys would want me to do that, or if you want me to wait before putting them in so people would have more time to read Nightfall. I'm fine with whatever, so tell me in the reviews!

So, I'm pretty sure that's it. Again, thank you for being such an amazing audience! I'll be back as soon as I can. Bye!

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