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And, the award for slowest updating author goes too... Elover05! Gee, what a shocker! (Note the sarcasm.) And, once again, I will apologize profusely, swear never to take this long again, only to probably take longer next time and have the cycle repeat. 

But, in my defense, I had a lot going on. Mainly, I got a kitten! *Gasp!* *Excited scream!* *Other noises that mean shocked excitement!* *My realization that no one really cares and i'm over reacting!*

Well, her name is Chocolate chip, but we call her Coco. She's only about 13 weeks at this point, and adorable! She's playful and likes to literally hide behind things and jump out at you as you walk past. She's actually sitting right next to me! Oh, and did I mention she likes to walk over keyboards?

But I can rant about Coco and her adorable hazel eyes another time. So, here's the story you've waited to long for!

 "Keefe and Sophie sittin' in a tree!" Biana's sing-songy voice traveled through the otherwise silent dorm. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Please stop." I begged, pressing my forehead to my desk.

"First comes love!"

"I'm trying to study!"

"Then comes marriage!"

"Do you want me to kill you?"

"Then comes the baby in the baby carriage!"

"Do you thinks it's a girl or a boy?" Panic flared through me as soon as I realized that I had asked the question out loud. I didn't even mean to think it, much less speak it. I saw Biana grin out of the corner of my eye. "I didn't mean that! I was joking!" I cried, trying to fix the lapse in my words before Biana could tease me to death about it.

"Hmm... Oh! Maybe you'll have twins! A boy and a girl! Oh, and you could name them baby Biana and Fitz!" She almost hummed the words, obviously ectatic about the idea.

"I'm naming my kids Calla Edaline and Kenric Teirgan." I said matter-of-factly, trying to distract Biana. Though, I actually did want to name my kids that. Calla after my favorite aunt who died several years ago. Edaline after my mom. Kenric after my favorite uncle, who always knew how to cheer me up, And Teirgan after the teacher who inspired my love of psychology.

However, my plan to distract Biana... Well, it didn't work. "I dunno, Sophie. You might have to ask Keefe about that." Biana hoped on my desk as she said it, scattering my homework.

"Oh, he'll be fine with it." I said dismissively, grabbing my English homework off the floor, glaring at Biana.

I had missed the fact that Biana said I might have to ask Keefe about it, as opposed to a vague 'future husband'.

Biana did not miss the fact that I agreed to it. "You didn't deny that Keefe would be the father of your kids!" She was back to using that stupid sing-songy voice.

"I... You... Just give me a break! I'm dying here!" I begged, my face buried in my hands.

Biana yanked my hands away, and shoved her face in front of mine. "Look at me!" She said, grabbing the sides of my face and directing it until my brown eyes looked into her teal ones. "Accept fate, Sophie. And your fate is to marry Keefe and live happily ever after!" Her wavy brown hair was swept into my face because of the fan I had put on my desk to keep me cool in the uncomfortably hot dorm room.

"What shampoo are you using?" I asked, whipping the hair out of my face. "Your hair is so soft!"

Biana's face lit up, and she started talking in that fast tone she used when she got excited. "Oh, Mom gave it to me for Christmas! It's got a bunch of vitamins so my hair's so soft, and it smells like coconut." She opened her mouth to continue, but paused, looking at me suspiciously. "Are you using beauty products to try and distract me?"

It's Hard to say I Love you. *A KOTLC Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now