Movie night

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I am so sorry for not posting sooner! I know that this the the lamest and most cliche excuse ever, but I've been really busy. I'm Sorry! Please don't throw things at me! As an apology, I will send you all virtual hugs and mallowmelt! *Sends Hugs and Mallowmelt through the screen* 

Also,  I am going to try to do the thing that a lot of authors do, where you reply to the people who have reviewed. So to my one reviewer:

Mnm4ever8: Thank you so much! You really have no idea how much a simple thing like that makes my happy. Again, thank you and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Anyway, I'm sure you don't want to hear me just ramble on, so here is the story!

"So... After being bullied by Stina-Which you totally should've told us about sooner. We could've helped-A strange man followed you into the bathroom, and you decided "Hey! Let's tell this man who stalked me and I just met where I live!" Did I get that right"? Dex asked after I had finished my explanation.

"Well when you put it like that it just sounds creepy." I justified. Fitz raised an eyebrow.

"So how would you like to say it?" He inquired. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe: I met a guy, became his friend, and did some of the normal stuff friends do, like telling each other where they live so they can meet up and chat."

"Well, yeah, but that is Keefe Sencen! He's not just some normal boy! I mean, you don't just meet Keefe Sencen and become his friend!" Biana said. I furrowed my brown in confusion. What did that mean? Keefe was just a boy. Sure, a rather handsome and a probably popular boy, but a normal boy nonetheless. Fitz seemed to notice my confusion.

"You don't know who he is, do you?" He asked me. I raised my eyebrow.

"Of course I do. He's Keefe Sencen. A funny guy who ditches classes. What else is there to know about him?" Biana, Dex and Fitz all looked at each other weirdly.

"Sophie, do you know who his parents are?" Dex asked timidly. I shook my head. What did that have to do with anything? "His parents are Cassius Sencen and Geisla Sencen." I gave him a blank look.

"You know, the singer and movie star?" Biana intervened. I gave her the same uncomprehending stare. "You know, 'Power couple of 2016?' Does this ring a bell? I bit my lip, thinking. I wasn't the kind of girl who read those magazines with their 'Power Couples'. It just wasn't my cup of tea.

"So... what? He's famous?" Biana looked at me like I was insane.

"Of course he's famous! Fashion designers keep trying to get him into modeling, but he always turns them down with 'No Comment'. Everyone keeps trying to get an interview or something with him, but he always turns them down. People try and get news on him by trying to figure out who he's dating. Which changes quite frequently." I frowned at that last comment. 'Which changes quite frequently' What did Biana mean by that?

"He isn't dating anyone now." I mumbled. At least, that's what he had told me. Biana gaped at me.

"Please don't tell me you asked if he was single! Sophie, he's gonna think you're into him, and He's a playboy. He's had, like, 4 girlfriends just in this school year, and it's only been 1 ½ months since school started! He'll stick around for a week or two, and then he'll leave without an explanation. That's what every one of his girlfriends said!" I sighed. WAs Keefe really like that? He had seemed so nice. I had actually started liking him (As a friend. He was nothing more than a friend.).

"First of all, I didn't really ask if he was single.He got a phone call, and I asked if it was his girlfriend who was calling him, and he said he didn't have a girlfriend. Second, I have no intention of dating Keefe, fame or not. Isn't it possible to have a friend of the opposite gender without liking them in a sexual way? I mean, I'm friends with Fitz, and we're just friends, right?"

"Fitz ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Biana is just worried about you.She don't want to see you get hurt. Plus, she is exaggerating a bit. It was actually only 2 official girlfriends, and they both broke up, he didn't just leave. But Biana is right about being a playboy. He never stays in a relationship for very long." I bit my lip. Keefe couldn't just be a playboy, could he? He seemed to actually like my personality. Or maybe I was just deluding myself to think that people like him could actually think of me as a friend. It was all so confusing! It made me want to.... Actually, I didn't know what I wanted to do. Scream into a pillow maybe?

"But still, be careful. You can be his friend, I think, but if anyone gets so much as a picture of you talking, the media will go crazy, thinking he's found his next girlfriend. You won't be able to go anywhere without people trying to interview you and expose you." Dex added. A Sophie buried her face in her hands.

"So what you're saying is, I can be friends with him, I just can't talk to him?" I asked Dex shrugged sheepishly.

"You know what? Let's not talk about this tonight! We're supposed to be having movie night tonight! Let's not let a boy ruin that! And tomorrow it's saturday, so we can talk about him all day long." Biana suggested. I smiled. She always seemed to know how to lighten the mood.

"You know what? You're right. Let's watch a movie. I'll get the popcorn!" I said, jumping to my feet.

Dex smiled. He seemed to be relived in the change of subject. "I'll set up the Projector and get the movie. It's my turn, so were watching Star Wars tonight!" I laughed at Dex's choice in movie. He was a major geek, (And I say that in the best way possible) And loved Sci-Fi movies. He definitely won the prize for 'Best cousin ever'.

"I'll grab the Blankets!" Biana shouted, running into the cabinet where we kept spare blankets and sheets. I threw three bags of instant popcorn in the microwave.

"And I'll... Just wait here I guess." Fitz said. I chuckled as I pulled the popcorn out of the microwave and put it in 2 separate bowls, One for me and Dex to share, and One for Fitz and Biana to share. (We had once tried to use only one bowl, but it always got a bit weird when you had the options of either having to reach over three people to get some popcorn, or had to interrupt the movie by asking whoever had the popcorn to pass it over in order to eat it.)

After everything was set up, I took my usual spot on the floor between Dex and Biana, with Fitz the other side of Biana. I snuggled into my blankets as the movie began.

Movie night was a long time tradition for me and my friends. We would make popcorn, and set large amounts of blankets on the floor so we could watch a movie. It all started when Biana was complaining that I was too stressed about school. She proposed that every Friday we had a movie night to relax as we started the weekend. The idea caught on quickly, and every Friday, someone brought a movie.

We had a pattern where Biana would choose a movie, and then Dex would and then Fitz and then me. Biana loved to bring in Romantic Comedies, (Or 'Rom-Coms' as she referred to them.) and although I would never admit it, I actually enjoyed some of them. Not all of them, but some of them. Dex, as I said before, loved Sci-Fi, so we were usually watching something like Star Wars or X-Men. Fitz Mostly just brought in Realistic Fiction movies. As for me, I commonly brought in Harry Potter or Pixar or Disney films, like Finding Nemo/Dory or the Good Dinosaur. It might of been a little cheesy, but I actually liked the sweet films.

I settled back into the pillow as the movie started. I managed to force Keefe out of my mind. This was a movie night with friends, and I would not, I repeat would not, have Keefe ruin it.  

So, I dunno about you, but I actually kinda like this chapter. Sorry that there wasn't much SoKeefe in it, but I am going to include the other characters as well.  But I promise, SoKeefe will be the main feature n this story. Oh, and I will be including Tam and Lihn in this story, but that will be a little later on. Anyway, please review, and I'll see you whenever I post next. Bye!

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