• real life •

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                      October 7 2016

"Hey you coming to the game tonight??" Mitch asked Ella as they met up in the hallway.

"Nope I didn't get any tickets" Ella responded as she pressed the button to the elevator.

"Well I can hook you up with some?" Mitch offered.

"No thanks i'm not really into hockey" Ella lied.

The truth is that Ella is a crazy fan of her hometown team, Toronto Maple Leafs.

"Oh okay" Mitch sounded disappointed.

Mitch and Ella walked into the elevator and press the lobby button.

"So what are your plans for tonight?" Mitch asked.

"Nothing I guess. Savanna is working, Weslyn has a photoshoot and Jacob is out of town with his family" Ella said as the elevator door opened.

"So it's just you tonight?" Mitch asked as the two exit the building.

"Yup me, myself and I" Ella proudly says.

"Ella why don't you go to the game? I could get you to sit with some ladies that are very nice" Mitch tried to persuade her.

"Mitch like I said hockey is not my thing" Ella said for the last time as the enter the diner.

Mitch and Ella grabbed a booth and waited for Savanna to serve them.

"Hey babes" Savanna came up to them giving them the menus.

"I'll be right back" Ella excused herself to go to the restroom.

"Savanna is Ella into hockey?" Mitch asked her best friend.

"Is that even a question?? She LOVES hockey, she will do anything for hockey" Savanna said.

"But she just told me she hated hockey" Mitch says.

"Oh she probably said that because she knew you would offer her tickets" Savanna said as Mitch smirked.

"Give me 2 coffees to go" Mitch said to Savanna.

Savanna was quick and gave Mitch the coffees right away.

"On the house" Savanna smiled as Ella returned from the restroom.

"Ella grab your coat, you are coming with me" Mitch said.

"Huh?" Ella was confused.

Next thing she knew was she was being dragged out the diner by Mitch.

Later that day Mitch took her to the rink and gave her tickets no matter what.

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